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Decree Of December 21, 2006, Allowing The Opening Of A Closed Competition For The Recruitment Of Engineers In 2Nd Class At The French Agency For Health Safety Of Foods (Women And Men) In Respect Of The Year 2006

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 21 décembre 2006 autorisant au titre de l'année 2006 l'ouverture d'un concours interne pour le recrutement d'ingénieurs d'études de 2e classe à l'Agence française de sécurité sanitaire des aliments (femmes et hommes)

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JORF No. 2 of 3 January 2007
Text No. 31

Order of 21 December 2006 authorizing the title of the year 2006 l' opening d' an internal competition for recruitment d' engineers d' 2nd class studies to the French Health Security Agency Food (women and men)

NOR: AGRD0602517A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries dated December 21, 2006, Is authorised for the year 2006 the opening of a closed competition at the French Food Safety Agency for the recruitment of 2nd class study engineers (women and men).
The total number of positions offered in the Contest is set to 8.
Their distribution by industry or industry grouping will be fixed at a later date.
Registration is open as of February 12, 2007.
The deadline for Withdrawal of the files is fixed at 22 March 2007 (the postmark is the postmark).
The deadline for filing the files is March 30, 2007 (the postmark is the postmark).
The date of the tests, the composition of the jury and the list of the Candidates who are eligible to compete will be the subject of an order from the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries.
Note. -To obtain all information relating to the competition, candidates may contact AFSSA, Human Resources Branch (competition department), 27-31, avenue du General-Leclerc, 94701 Maisons-Alfort Cedex (telephone: 01-49-77-13-76 or 01-49-77-27-76, fax: 01-49-77-13-88).

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