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Notice Regarding The Opening Of Competition On Titles For The Recruitment Of Educational Assistants In The Hospital Civil Service (Employment Of Specialized Educators)

Original Language Title: Avis relatifs à l'ouverture de concours sur titres pour le recrutement d'assistants socio-éducatifs de la fonction publique hospitalière (emploi d'éducateurs spécialisés)

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JORF No. 2 of 3 January 2007
Text N ° 146

Notice of opening of competition on titles for recruitment d' socio-educational assistants of the hospital public service (employment d' specialized educators)

NOR: SANH0625132V ELI: Not available

A decree of the Prefect of the Drôme dated 9 November 2006 opened a competition on Titles for the recruitment of socio-educational assistants (employment of specialised educator) from the hospital public service in order to fill 1 vacancy at the "Milan castle" medical school in Montélimar.
Can act as a Persons fulfilling the conditions listed in Article 3 of Decree No. 93-652 of 26 March 1993 on the special status of the socio-educational assistants of the hospital public service.
Applications must be sent (the postmark) or furnished, within two months from the date of publication of this notice in the Official Journal, to the director of the medical-educational institute "Château de Milan", route de Sauzet, 26200 Montélimar.

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