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Decision No. 2004-539 Of 21 December 2004 On The Allocation Of Frequencies To Society Metropole Television (M6)

Original Language Title: Décision n° 2004-539 du 21 décembre 2004 portant attribution de fréquences à la société Métropole Télévision (M6)

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JORF No. 3 of 5 January 2005
Text N ° 86

Decision No. 2004-539 of 21 December 2004 on the allocation of frequencies to the company Métropole Télévision (M6)

NOR: CSAX0401539S ELI: Not available

The Supreme Council of the Audiovisual,
In light of the amended Act No. 86-1067 of 30 September 1986 on freedom of communication, and in particular Articles 22, 25, 30 and 30-1;
Decree n ° 2003-620 of 4 July 2003 for the application of Article 30-1 of Act No. 86-1067 of 30 September 1986 concerning the allocation and pre-financing of the cost of rearrangements of the frequencies, and in particular Article 7
; Decision n ° 2001-387 of 24 July 2001 as amended on a call for applications for the edition of national television services broadcast on digital terrestrial television, and in particular its Annex IV;
In view of Decision No. 2001-578 of 20 November 2001 amended to renew the authority granted to Métropole Télévision (M6);
In light of Decision No. 2001-387 of 24 July 2001 as amended on a call for applications for the edition of television services at National vocation broadcast digitally, and in particular its Annex IV;
In view of Decision No. 2004-250 of 8 June 2004 fixing the starting date of the broadcasts of digital television services of a national character broadcast by means of Terrestrial digital terrestrial television;
Considering that the deployment of terrestrial digital television requires the redevelopment of certain analogue frequencies, currently allocated to the company Métropole Télévision, but whose use Is directly or indirectly inconsistent with scheduled frequencies for terrestrial digital television;
After deliberation,

Item 1

Metropole Television is authorized to use the frequencies listed in the Annex to this Decision. The allocation of these frequencies shall be subject to the conditions set out in the said Annex.
These frequencies replace those previously attributed to the company Métropole Télévision by Decision No. 2001-578 as amended, referred to in its Annex I, for the broadcasting of its programme in the zones of Argeles-Gazost, Boissezon, Douelle, Graulhet, Laborde, Lans-en-Vercors, Lourdes 2, Luzech, Sabarat, Viriville.
These substitutions must be made before July 15, 2005.
These Substitution will not be carried out if alternative solutions to ensure the continuity of service are put in place after agreement between the Council and the company Métropole Télévision.

Article 2

This decision will be notified to the company Métropole Télévision and published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Item Appendix


You can view the table in OJ
No 3 of 05/01/2005 text number 86

(1) by 120 W in the azimuth direction 185 °. Subject to the agreement of the foreign administrations consulted.
(2) BY 0.3 W in the area between the 90 ° and 210 ° azimuth directions.
(3) by 2.5 W in the direction of azimuth 70 °, 2.5 W in the direction of azimuth 320 °.
(4) 5 W in the area between the azimuth directions 115 ° and 260 °.
(5) by 12 W in the area between the azimuth directions 240 ° and 330 °, 12 W in the area between the azimuth directions 25 ° and 185 °.
(6) by 5 W in the area between the azimuth directions 60 ° and 210 °.
(7) PAR 20 W in the direction of azimuth 235 °.
(8) PAR 15 W in the area between the 90 ° and 180 ° azimuth directions.
(9) 40 W in the Sector between the azimut directions 250 ° and 345 °, 25 W in the area between the directions of azimuths 40 ° and 180 °.
(10) PAR of 1 W in the area between the azimuth directions 150 ° and 330 °.
CSA can In the future, if the development of the television networks requires it, to substitute the indicated channels of other channels for receiving equivalent quality.
1. The Recipient is required to provide the following information to the CSA for accuracy:
Information communicated within two months after commissioning:
-technical description of the facility (type and Transmitter power rating, antenna system ...);
-maximum PAR and theoretical radiation diagram (H and V);
-date of commissioning;
-comprehensive reporting of offset realization, offset changes, channel changes, and other changes Mentioned above.
Information communicated without delay if available:
-measured radiation diagram.
This information is payable upon the express request of the Board.
2. In the event that the information referred to in 1 is subsequently amended, the beneficiary shall communicate to the CSA an updated version within one month.
3. The Recipient is also required to provide the CSA with all information in its possession on the coverage of the issuer, in particular the results of the coverage measures performed in the service area.
4. If the CSA has found non-compliance with the technical requirements of the authorisation, the beneficiary shall be required to carry out a verification of the conformity of its installation with the requirements set out in the technical annex by a recognised organisation Of the authorization. The recipient will forward the results of this audit to the APF.

Done at Paris, December 21, 2004.

For the Audio-Visual Higher Council:

The President,


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