Key Benefits:
By order of the prefect of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region of December 17 2004, taken pursuant to Article R. 211-8 of the Labour Code, the renewal of the authorisation requested by the Perfect Model Agency, 7, rue Nationale, in Lille, for the employment of children shall be granted for a period of one year from the date of the Date of this Order.
Approval may be withdrawn at any time by prefectural order on the basis of the assent of the departmental committee for the employment of children in the performance and as a model, either ex officio or at the request of all Qualified person. In the event of an emergency, the authorisation may be the subject of a prefectural suspension for a limited period of time.
Pursuant to Article R. 211-8 of the Labour Code, legal representatives will receive 10 % of the remuneration, 90 % of which must be On an account opened at the Caisse des Depots et consignations.