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Decree Of December 30, 2005 Authorizing The Opening In 2006 Of Competition For The Recruitment Of Trainee Controllers Services Devolved Branch Of Customs And Excise, Specialty "monitoring And Aviation...".

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 30 décembre 2005 autorisant l'ouverture en 2006 de concours pour le recrutement de contrôleurs stagiaires des services déconcentrés de la direction générale des douanes et droits indirects, spécialité « surveillance et aéronauti...

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JORF No. 3 of 4 January 2006
Text #8

Order of 30 December 2005 authorizing the opening in 2006 of competitions for the recruitment of trainee supervisors of the decentralised services of the Directorate-General for Customs and Indirect Rights, speciality " Surveillance and aeronautics: helicopter pilot "

NOR: BUDD0520069A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry of 30 December 2005, irrespective of the legislative and regulatory provisions relating to jobs reserved for the beneficiaries of the Code for the Code of Military Invalidity and Victims of War and for Workers with Disabilities, is authorised for the Title of the year 2006 the opening of two competitions for the recruitment of customs supervisors, speciality "surveillance and aeronautics: helicopter pilot".
The total number of seats available for competitions, their breakdown Between the branches of activity and the volume of posts offered to beneficiaries of the Code of Military Invalidity Pensions and to victims of war and workers with disabilities will be the subject of a subsequent order in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
The same applies to the proportion of jobs to be filled by the contractual route in accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 95-979 of 25 August 1995 on certain arrangements for the recruitment of workers Disabled in the public service of the State.
In addition to the postal channel (registration by filing a written file), a teleprocedure via the internet at is made available to the candidates Who so wish.
This procedure takes place in two phases: a pre-registration phase, which assigns a registration number communicated to the applicant by post, and a validation phase, using this number.
End Date of Pre-registration is scheduled for January 20, 2006, inclusive. Candidates may amend their file data up to February 3, 2006 inclusive. Any changes must be re-validated until the above date.
The application deadline (postmark) or withdrawal of registration files is January 20, 2006 inclusive. The deadline for sending (the postmark) or the filing of the registration dossiers is 3 February 2006.
Written eligibility tests are scheduled for April 4, 5 and 6, 2006.
Note. -For all information, applicants should contact:
-in the province, the Interregional Customs Directors:
-in Paris and in the Ile-de-France region, the Interregional Customs Directorate of Ile-de-France, examination department and Contest, 3, rue de l' Eglise, BP 21, 94471 Boissy-Saint-Léger Cedex;
-or connect to the website of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry at: Contests/index.htm;
-or on the website of the Directorate-General for Customs and Indirect Rights:

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