Key Benefits:
The Minister of National Education, Higher Education and Research and the Minister of Health and Solidarity,
In light of Decree No. 84-131 of February 24, 1984, as amended Status of hospital practitioners;
Given the amended Decree No. 84-135 of 24 February 1984 on the status of teaching and hospital staff in hospital and university centres, and in particular Title III, Chapter II;
Given the decree N ° 86-10 of 3 January 1986 laying down the conditions of service in cooperation between hospital and university staff;
In the light of the decree of 23 May 1985 laying down the list of titles admitted as equivalent of the diploma of studies and research in Human biology or doctoral degree in human biology for the application of Article 48 of Decree No. 84-135 of 24 February 1984;
In view of the Decree of 2 January 1986 laying down the conditions under which candidates of foreign nationality may be Authorised to take part in the competitions referred to in Articles 48 and 61 of Decree No. 84-135 of 24 February 1984;
In the light of the decree of 17 September 1987 laying down the procedure for the recruitment of teachers from hospital-medical practitioners and hospitals Teachers of conferences of hospital-based medical practitioners;
In the light of the decree of 30 December 1992, amended pursuant to Articles 48 (2 °), 61 and 62 (a) of Decree No. 84-135 of 24 February 1984, amended on the status of teaching staff Hospital and university hospitals;
In the light of the decree of 26 January 1993 amending the list of disciplines in which a practical pedagogical test is organised pursuant to Article 52 of Decree No 84-135 of the February 24, 1984 changed to the status of teaching and hospital staff in hospital and university centres,
University Hospital Senior Lecturer in the list attached to the present (Annex I) are declared vacant and may be filled under the conditions set out below.
The conference masters of hospital-based university-practitioners who meet the condition of seniority provided for in Article 47 of Decree No. 84-135 of February 24, 1984, may request their transfer to the jobs listed In Annex I, under the conditions set out below.
However, in accordance with Article 1 of Decree No. 86-10 of 3 January 1986, employment with a cooperative assignment is not available for deployment.
Within twenty-one days after publication in the Official Journal of this Order, candidates for deployment Must contact the Director of the Training and Medical Research Unit and the Director General of the University Hospital Centre:
-a request for transfer, which can be downloaded from the website under " Administrative forms ";
-a detailed curriculum vitae;
-a list of their titles and works.
Applicants shall, within the same time frame, send a copy of the application letter and the curriculum vitae:
-to the Department National education, higher education and research, DPE B12 (office of health personnel), 34, rue de Châteaudun, 75009 Paris;
-on the other hand, to the Ministry of Health and Solidarity - (direction of hospitalization and De l' organisation des soins, bureau M 2), 8, avenue de Ségur, 75350 Paris Cedex 07.
At the expiration of the Section 3 of this Order applies the following procedure:
For each job to be filled:
-the Director General of the University Hospital Centre shall immediately submit the application (s) received to the Commission Establishment medical which meets in limited training limited to inpatient-university staff performing duties at least equivalent to those to which the person concerned applies;
-the Director of the Training Unit and Medical research immediately seizes the board of the unit, which meets in limited training for teachers at least equal to that of a lecturer.
Both instances have twenty-one days to complete Be aware of their opinions, in the case of multiple applications, to a ranking of the candidates who have received a favourable opinion.
The notices are attached to the applications and sent, within six weeks of the date of publication in the Official Journal of this Order, by the Director of the Training and Research Unit To the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research and the Director General of the University Hospital Centre at the Ministry of Health and Solidarity.
Persons of French nationality and nationals of the European Union or other States Parties To the Agreement on the European Economic Area may apply to the competitions for the recruitment of conference masters of hospital-based practitioners, under the following conditions defined by type of competition.
These conditions, With the exception of the age requirement, shall appreciate the application deadline set out in Article 7 below.
A. -Type I competition organised under the
application of Article 48 (1) of Decree No. 84-135 of 24 February 1984
(Cf. Annex II)
Can apply:
I.-In the disciplines Clinics
The clinical leaders of the universities-hospital assistants and the former clinical heads of hospitals-hospital assistants, who are under forty-five years of age on January 1 of the year of the competition.
II. -In biological and mixed disciplines
University hospital assistants and former university hospital assistants under forty-five years of age on January 1 of the year of the competition.
III. -Across disciplines
Academic hospital practitioners and hospital practitioners.
These candidates must have at least one year of effective performance in either of these qualifications. Hold one of the following degrees:
-degree of study and research in human biology;
-PhD in human biology;
-research authority;
-comprehensive study diploma;
- PhD under the law of January 26, 1984;
-PhD graduate;
-PhD of State of Science;
-PhD of State of Pharmaceutical Sciences;
-PhD of State in odontology;
-Doctor of Engineering degree ;
-diploma in studies and research in odontological sciences;
-foreign degrees and diplomas that allow access to the teaching-researcher functions of the same rank in the higher education institutions of the country in which they Are issued. Candidates will be required to provide to this effect a certificate from the embassy of the country under consideration in France that expressly certifies that the diploma or title obtained in that country by the person concerned provides access to the functions of the teacher-researcher of the same rank In the country's higher education institutions.
B.-Type 2 competition organized pursuant to section 48 (2 °)
of Order No. 84-135 dated February 24, 1984
(see Appendix II)
Candidates who do not meet the conditions set out above and who hold one of the following degrees:
-enabling research;
-Doctorate of State;
- PhD under Decree No. 84-573 of July 5, 1984;
-PhD in graduate studies;
-degree of Doctor of Engineering;
-degrees and foreign credentials for access to teaching-researcher functions of the same rank in the Institutions of higher education in the country in which they are delivered. Candidates must provide to this effect a certificate from the embassy of the country under consideration in France that expressly certifies that the diploma or title obtained in that country by the person concerned provides access to the functions of a teaching-scientist of the same rank Those entrusted to the lecturers of the university-medical practitioners in the higher education institutions of the country concerned.
The Candidatment File shall be sent, preferably in the form of a simple registered mail (without notice of receipt), no later than 20 January 2006, at midnight (the postmark), to the addressee hereinafter referred to in Function of the competition discipline:
-for the biological and mixed disciplines on list A (Annex III) and the disciplines component of an intersection, in the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research (Office of the Organisation for the Recruitment of Higher Education Personnel, DPE A 10), 110, rue de Grenelle, 75357 Paris 07 SP;
-for the clinical disciplines listed in List B (Annex III), to the Ministry of Health and Des solidarities, Direction de l' hospitalisation et de l' organisation des soins (bureau des competitions HRI, M 4), 8, avenue de Ségur, 75350 Paris Cedex 07.
The Candidatory File must contain the following documents:
a) A declaration of application made in duplicate, which can be downloaded from the website:, at the "Administrative forms" section;
(b) A photocopy of the national identity card or, failing that, a certificate of nationality;
(c) A photocopy of the diplomas (for foreign degrees and diplomas: a certificate from the Embassy of the Country considered in France);
(d) An administrative certificate showing the duration of the duties required to run under Article 48-1 ° (type 1 competition), copy of the appointment orders;
e) For candidates who Wish to be enrolled in a hospital discipline different from academic discipline, a free paper application specifying the heading of the academic and hospital disciplines considered (the academic discipline Being the one indicated on the declaration of application) and tending to have that hospital discipline in the light of their names in the event of entry on the list of admission referred to in Article 52 of Decree No 84-135 of 24 February 1984 Only those candidates registered in the relevant hospital discipline will be able to apply for jobs with reference to this discipline in hospital;
f) A detailed curriculum vitae;
g) Two envelopes of format 162 x 229 Mm, given at the address of the applicant and cleared at the rate in effect;
(h) For persons seeking a reduction or waiver of age limit, an application, which can be downloaded from the website:, under the heading " Administrative forms ", and any document to assess the application.
Only files with all required parts will be examined.
Any document in foreign language must be translated into French.
For the purposes of Articles 48 and 50 of Decree No. 84-135 of 24 February 1984, the date of commencement of the tests shall be fixed As at 29 March 2006.
Candidates in a discipline where at least one job has been filled by way of deployment are notified, by individual letter, either of the decrease in the number of jobs offered, or of the elimination of the competition if all The jobs offered have been filled by deployment. In the latter case, the application is automatically cancelled.
Candidates who wish to withdraw may do so before the date fixed for the start of the tests, exclusively by registered letter to the office that registered Their registration.
The list of candidates allowed to compete is jointly decided by the Minister of Education National, Higher Education and Research and the Minister of Health and Solidarity.
Candidates Permission to compete is required to send directly, to a date and to the addresses to be given to them:
1 ° To all members of the competent jury:
a) A statement of their titles and works;
b) If applicable, a copy of the Application referred to in Article 8, above;
2 ° To the chairman of the competent jury and to the rapporteurs, in addition to the document referred to above:
a) A copy of the certificates, diplomas and certificates deposited at the time of registration;
b) At their choice, all or part of their works and from their publications.
Persons of foreign nationality, fulfilling the conditions laid down in Article 1 (paragraphs 2 and 3) of the decree of 2 January 1986, may apply for the purpose of allocating the As a lecturer at the University-Practitioner Hospital in a foreign capacity.
For all disciplines, the Files must be sent by the departmental department responsible for relations between the French Republic and the country concerned, no later than 20 January 2006, at midnight (the postmark being postmarked), to the Ministry of Health and Solidarities, direction of hospitalization and the organization of care (office of medical competitions, M 4), 8, avenue de Ségur, 75350 Paris Cedex 07.
The application package must be as follows:
a) A record Duly completed individual registration with a reasoned opinion from the local authorities responsible for the teaching activities, also relating to the quality of the titles and work of the applicant and specifying the Prospects for a professional future in the country of origin;
(b) A certified copy of the diplomas referred to in Article 1 of the decree of 2 January 1986;
(c) An attestation relating to the exercise, For three years, teaching activities related to the preparation of a doctor's degree;
d) A detailed curriculum vitae.
Only files with all required parts will be examined.
Any document in language Foreign language must be translated into French.
The provisions of Articles 9, 10 and 11 shall apply to candidates for Foreign title.
The Director of Teachers and the Director of Hospitalization and Organization of the Of the execution of this Decree, which shall be published as well as its annexes in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
You can view the table in OJ
No 3 of 04/01/2006 text number 27
A N N E X E 2
Discipline and by type)
You can view the table in OJ
No 3 of 04/01/2006 text number 27
Disciplines of type Biological
Biophysics and nuclear medicine.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Mixed-type Disciplines
Cytology and histology.
Anatomy and Pathological cytology.
Radiology and medical imaging.
Cell Biology.
Bacteriology-Virology; hospital hygiene.
Parasitology and Mycology.
Epidemiology, Health Economics and Prevention.
Occupational health and medicine.
Legal medicine and health law.
Biostatistics, medical informatics and communication technologies.
Hematology; transfusion.
Cancerology; radiotherapy.
Anaesthesiology and surgical resuscitation; emergency medicine.
Basic Pharmacology; Clinical Pharmacology.
Therapeutics; Emergency Medicine.
Biology and Medicine for Development and Reproduction; medical gynecology.
Clinical Disciplines
Infectious Diseases; Tropical Diseases.
Medical resuscitation; emergency medicine.
Psychiatry adults.
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery.
Plastic surgery, reconstructor, and Aesthetic; burning.
Thoracic and cardiovascular surgery.
Vascular surgery; vascular medicine.
Gastroenterology; hepatology.
Digestive Surgery.
Internal Medicine; Geriatrics and Biology of Aging.
General Surgery.
Child Surgery.
Gynecology-obstetrics; medical gynecology.
Endocrinology, diabetes and metabolic diseases; Medical gynecology.
Maxillofacial surgery and stomatology.
Done at Paris, 23 December 2005.
The Minister of Health and Solidarity,
For the Minister and by delegation:
By preventing the Director from
hospitalization and care organization:
The service manager,
L. Allaire
The Minister of National Education,
of higher education
and search,
For the Minister And by delegation:
The Director of Teachers,
P.-Y. Duwoye