Key Benefits:
Le Conseil supérieur de l' audiovisuel,
Vu la loi n ° 86-1067 du 30 septembre 1986 amended relative à la liberté de communication, notamment son article 42-3;
Vu la decision n ° 2003-594 On 4 November 2003 authorising the CNS Europe 2 Communication for the operation of a terrestrial terrestrial radio service in frequency modulation called Europe 2;
In view of the Convention in force concluded between the Higher Council of Audiovisual and CNS Europe 2 Communication;
Given the demand for a change in ownership by the SNC Europe 2 Communication for the Chaumont area;
After deliberating,
Approval granted to the CNS Europe 2 Communication on the Chaumont area is transferred to the CNS Europe 2 Enterprises.
This Decision will be notified to the SNC Europe 2 Enterprises and published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, November 15, 2005.
For the Audio-Visual Higher Council:
The President,