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Decree Of 26 December 2006 Amending The Decree Of 29 April 1999 Fixing The List Of Successful Candidates To Wear The Title Of Engineer Graduate By The State (Session 1998)

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 26 décembre 2006 modifiant l'arrêté du 29 avril 1999 fixant la liste des candidats admis à porter le titre d'ingénieur diplômé par l'Etat (session 1998)

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JORF No. 3 of 4 January 2007 Page 131
Text No. 54

Order of 26 December 2006 amending l' order of 29 April 1999 fixing the list of candidates entitled to wear the title d' graduated engineer by state (1998 session)

NOR: MENS0603164A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of National Education, Higher Education and The search as of 26 December 2006, the decree of 29 April 1999 fixing the list of candidates admitted to carry the title of engineer certified by the State (1998 session) is amended as follows:
Instead of:
" Mathé (Jean-Marc), Computer;
Mauborgne (Serge), computing. ",
" Mathé (Serge), thermal and climatic engineering;
Mauborgne (Jean-Marc), computing ".

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