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Decree Of 22 December 2003 Relative To The Professional Title Of Versatile Cleaning Agent

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 22 décembre 2003 relatif au titre professionnel d'agent polyvalent de pressing

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JORF No. 4 of 6 January 2004 Page 406
Text #23

Decree of 22 December 2003 relating to the professional title of a versatile pressing agent

NOR: SOCF0312103A ELI:

The Minister for Social Affairs, Labour and Solidarity,
In view of Decree No. 2002-615 of 26 April 2002 on the validation of the experience for the Issue of professional certification;
Having regard to Decree No. 2002-616 of 26 April 2002 on the national directory of professional qualifications;
Having regard to Decree No. 2002-1029 of 2 August 2002 on the professional title issued by The Minister responsible for employment;
Having regard to the decree of 25 November 2002 on the conditions for the grant of the professional title of the Ministry responsible for employment;
Given the employment, activities and skills of the professional title of agent Versatile for pressing;
Seen the certification repository for the professional title of the versatile pressing agent;
In view of the opinion of the 5 June 2003 Professional Advisory Committee on Industry,

Item 1
The professional title of the versatile pressing agent is created.
It is issued under the conditions set out in the decree of November 25, 2002.
It is classified at level V of the classification of levels Of training, as defined in Article 2 of Decree No. 2002-616 of 26 April 2002 mentioned above and in the field of activity 240 t (NSF code).
It will be reviewed by the competent professional advisory committee within a period of five Years.

Item 2 Read more about this Article ...

The job repository, activities, skills, and certification repository for the versatile dry cleaning agent professional title are available in any AFPA or licensed center.

Item 3 Learn more about this Article ...

The versatile cleaning agent professional title consists of four constituent units that are listed in the following list:
1. Manage items deposited by a customer to ensure that they are cleaned up by any appropriate processing;
2. Eliminate any stain on any type of textile using appropriate techniques and products;
3. Run cleanup according to the type of item to be processed;
4. Cool and restore the initial aspect to the article by ironing.
They may be subject to certificates of professional competence (SPCs) under the conditions laid down in the aforementioned decree of 25 November 2002.

Item 4 More about this Article ...

The Annex to this Order contains the information required for the registration of the professional designation in the national directory of professional certifications.

Item 5 Learn more about this Article ...

The General Delegate for Employment and Vocational Training shall be responsible for the execution of this Order, which shall be published and its annex in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Item Appendix


Job Title: Multi-Purpose Dpressing Agent
Level: V.
NSF Code: 240 t.

Job Repository Summary

Agent Cleaning, detaching and ironing of textile articles entrusted to it by a customer. He works alone or as a team, under the responsibility of the establishment manager, under relatively high heat conditions.
It greets the customer and receives the soiled articles, sorting them according to the criteria of materials and Of colours so as to constitute homogeneous lots. It has reservations in the case of items that are particularly dirty or stained. It invoices and cash the benefit first and submits a withdrawal ticket to the customer.
Each batch is preprocessed before it is loaded into the dry-cleaning machine.
It program the appropriate cleaning cycle and starts the Machine.
All items that are marked as stained are detached before being cleaned.
On machine exit, it controls the items, passes them, and packages them before handing them over to the customer.
It is responsible for the good The operation and maintenance of its equipment.
Some pressings offer complementary services, these remain marginal: for example, one notes machine washing, steam cleaning and furniture, and small Retouching clothes.

Certified and descriptive
capabilities of the
1 certification components. Manage items dropped by a
client to ensure clean up by any appropriate processing

Welcome a customer to the front desk.
Receive a customer's dirty items.
Check in items To the client from the depot ticket.

2. Eliminate any stain on any
textile type using appropriate techniques and products

Differentiate dry cleaning and dry cleaning stains by identifying their origin and textile support.
Realize Preprocessing.
Perform specific detachings.

3. Run the cleaning according to the type of item to be treated

Sort the garments according to different criteria such as: color, frailty, special fibers ...
Choose a maintenance mode suitable for the items to be processed.
Maintain the dry cleaning machine operational.

4. Cool and Redo the Initial Dimension
to the Item by ironing

Organize its ironing work in a logical manner.
Classify Items.

Business Line or Type
Employment Available by the Title holder

Industrial or artisan pressing.
ROME Code:
47231-Textile Maintenance Professional.
Activity Regulation:
Respect for Section 2345 on Solvent Use (Order of May 2, 2002, Department of Spatial Planning and the Environment).
Certification Authority:
Department of Employment.
Bases Legal and Regulatory:
Act No. 2002-73 of 17 January 2002 on social modernisation;
Decree No. 2002-1029 of 2 August 2002;
Decree of 25 November 2002.

Done at Paris, December 22, 2003.

For the Minister and by delegation:

The General Delegate for

Employment and Professional Training,

C. Barbaroux

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