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Decree Of 14 November 2003 Amending The Number Of Positions Available In The Contest For The Recrutemen

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 14 novembre 2003 modifiant le nombre de postes ouverts aux concours pour le recrutemen

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JORF No. 4 of 6 January 2004 Page 429
Text No. 59

Order of 14 November 2003 amending the number of posts open to competitions for recruitment in the framework of territorial heritage conservation posts (session 2003)

NOR: FPPT0300114A ELI:

By order of the North-Pas-de-Calais regional delegate of the Centre National Civil Service of 14 November 2003, the number of posts to be opened by the regional delegation Nord-Pas-de-Calais of the National Centre of the Territorial Civil Service for the year 2003 to the competitions for the Recruitment into territorial heritage conservation attachment jobs is being changed.
The number of positions to be opened in the territorial heritage conservation attachment competitions is generally 33, broken down
follows: Title of the external competition (21):
Museum speciality: 13;
Speciality archives: 8.
As part of the closed competition (9):
Museum speciality: 6;
Speciality archives: 3.
In the third competition (3):
Specialty Museum: 2;
Speciality archives: 1.

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