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Decree Of 4 January 2006 Appointing The Delegate For Communication Of The Ministry Of National Education, Higher Education And Research – Ms Mély (Veronique)

Original Language Title: Decree of 4 January 2006 appointing the delegate for communication of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research - Ms Mély (Véronique)

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JORF No. 4 of 5 January 2006
Text No. 52

Decree of 4 January 2006 appointing the delegate to the communication of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research-Mrs Mély (Véronique)

NOR: MENB0502401D ELI: Not available

The President of the Republic,
On the report of the Prime Minister and the Minister of National Education, Higher Education and Research,
In accordance with Article 13 of the Constitution;
Given the amended Act No. 83-634 of 13 July 1983 on the rights and obligations of civil servants;
As amended by Act No. 84-16 of 11 January 1984, amending the statutory provisions relating to the public service of the State, and Article 25;
In light of Decree No. 2003-317 of 7 April 2003 on the organisation of the central administration of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research;
In light of Decree No. 2004-317 of 8 April 2003 2004 on the responsibilities of the Minister of National Education, Higher Education and Research;
The Council of Ministers heard,

Item 1

Ms. Véronique Mély is appointed as a communication delegate.

Article 2

The Prime Minister and the Minister of National Education, Higher Education and Research shall each be responsible for The application of this Decree, to be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Done at Paris, January 4, 2006.

Jacques Chirac

By the President of the Republic:

The Prime Minister,

Dominique de Villepin

The Minister of National Education,

of higher education

and search,

Gilles de Robien

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