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Decree Of 4 January 2002 Fixing The List Of The French Universities The Agency For French Teaching Abroad By Country

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 4 janvier 2002 fixant par pays la liste des établissements d'enseignement français relevant de l'Agence pour l'enseignement français à l'étranger

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JORF No. 5 of 6 January 2002 Page 390
Text #9

Order of 4 January 2002 fixing by country the list of French educational institutions under the Agency for French Education Abroad

NOR: MAEA0120485A ELI:

The Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry and the Minister for Foreign Affairs,
In light of Decree No. 2002-22 of 4 January 2002 on the situation Administrative and financial services of the staff of French educational institutions abroad, and in particular Article 1, Stop:

Item 1

This Order sets out the following list of French educational institutions abroad :
-educational institutions dependent on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, pursuant to the decree of 28 November 1979 and the decree of 22 November 1990, known as " In direct management " ;
-institutions that have a convention Administrative, financial and pedagogical with the Agence pour l' enseignement français à l' étranger, establishments so-called " ","
some of these institutions that have been the subject of a treaty or international agreement,

Article 2

The list of these establishments is set according to the table in the appendix.

Article 3

The Director of the Agency for French Education Abroad and the Director of the Budget in the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry are Entrusted, each as far as it is concerned, in the execution of this Order, which shall take effect on 1 September 2002 and shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Item Appendix


You can view the table in OJ
No. 5, 06/01/2002, page 390 to 398

Done at Paris, January 4, 2002.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs,

Hubert Vedrine

The Minister of Economy,

Finance and Industry,

Laurent Fabius

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