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Notice To Importers Of Certain Fish And Fisheries Products Originating In The Republic Of Croatia

Original Language Title: Avis aux importateurs de certains poissons et produits de la pêche originaires de la République de Croatie

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JORF No. 5 of 6 January 2002 Page 435
Text No. 46

Notices to Importers of Certain Fish and Fishery Products Originating in the Republic of Croatia

NOR: ECOD0260005V ELI: Not available

The attention of importers is called on publication in JOCE n ° L 337 of 20 December 2001 of Regulation (EC) No 2497/2001 of 19 December 2001.
This Regulation opens Community tariff quotas with reduced or zero duties applicable to imports into the Community of certain fish and products of the Community Fishing originating in the Republic of Croatia as set out in the Annex.
These tariff quotas shall be open from 1 January to 31 December of each year.
The benefit of the preferential scheme shall be subject to the production of a Document of origin as provided for in Protocol 4 defining the concept of ' Originating products " In the Agreement between the Community and Croatia published in OJ L 330 of 14 December 2001 (certificate EUR 1 or declaration of Invoice origin).
The management of these quotas is carried out by the European Commission according to the process of the process, as the Bureau E/2 of the Directorate-General for Customs and Indirect Rights is responsible for its follow-
. Provisions are applicable as of January 1, 2002.

Item Schedule


Without prejudice to the rules for the interpretation of the Combined Nomenclature, the wording of the description of the goods shall be regarded as having only an indicative value, the preferential arrangements being determined, in the context of that Annex, by the Scope of NC codes. Where a " Ex " Appears in front of the NC code, the preferential system is determined by both the scope of the NC code and the corresponding description.

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No 5 of the 06/01/2002 page 435 to 436

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