Key Benefits:
Pursuant to Article L. 133-8 of the Labour Code, the Minister of Employment, of the Work and social cohesion envisages taking an order to make the provisions of the following agreement compulsory for all employers and employees falling within its scope.
The text of this agreement Has been deposited in the departmental directorate of labour, employment and vocational training at the place of its conclusion, where it can be read.
Within 15 days, professional organisations and all Interested persons are asked to provide their comments and opinions on the proposed generalisation.
Their communications should be addressed to the Ministry of Employment, Labour and Social Cohesion (DRT, NC 1), 39-43, quai André-Citroën, 75902 Paris Cedex 15.
Agreement whose extension is envisaged:
Agreement of 3 November 2004.
Direction du travail, de l' emploi et de la formation professionnelle de Paris
Professional training.
The agreement commits all companies under the following collective agreements:
Collective Agreement OEDTAM for the production of paper, paperboard and celluloses;
Collective agreement engineering and production frameworks for paper, paperboard and celluloses;
Collective Agreement OEDTAM for the processing of paper, paperboard and related industries;
Collective Agreement Engineers and Frameworks Processing of cellulosic paper, paperboard and film;
Collective agreement for workers, employees, master's officers and manufacturers of stationery and office products;
Collective Agreement for the Industries of the Cartonnage;
Collective Agreement for the Distribution of Paper and Paperboard;
National Collective Agreement for Paper and Paperboard Distribution; Wholesale;
Collective Agreement Serigraphy and related digital processing industries.
Association française des distributors de papiers (AFDP);
Fédération des articles de stationery;
Fédération française du cartonnage;
Union des Paper-based industries for social affairs (UNIPAS);
Trade union organizations interested in the CFTC, CGT-FO and CFE-CGC.