Key Benefits:
By applying the provisions of Article L. 212-11 of the mutuality code, the La Bassée et environs (MLBE), whose head office is located in the city hall, La Bassée (59480), has applied for approval of the transfer, by way of merger-absorption, with its rights and obligations, of its portfolio Membership in regulations and contracts with the National Mutual Administration of Public Administration (MUNAP), whose head office is in Paris (75316), 86 Kléber Avenue.
A period of two months from the date of publication of this Notice shall be given to the creditors of that mutual trust in order to make observations on the proposed transfer to the Head Office of the Mutual Administration of Public
. In writing, under registered cover, to the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Directorate of Social Security (under the direction of pensions and the institutions of complementary social protection, bureau 3 C), 8, avenue de Ségur, 75350 Paris 07 SP.