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Decision No. 2005 - 1036 Of November 15, 2005, Amending Decision No. 91-468 Of 17 May 1991 Authorizing The Emcs Llc For The Operation Of A Radio Service Terrestrially In Nrj Niort Known As Frequency Modulation And The Decis...

Original Language Title: Décision n° 2005-1036 du 15 novembre 2005 modifiant la décision n° 91-468 du 17 mai 1991 autorisant la SARL SCGE pour l'exploitation d'un service de radio par voie hertzienne terrestre en modulation de fréquence dénommé NRJ Niort et les décis...

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JORF No. 5 of 6 January 2006
Text No. 62

Decision No. 2005-1036 of 15 November 2005 amending Decision No. 91-468 of 17 May 1991 authorizing SCGE SARL for the operation of a terrestrial radio service in frequency modulation NRJ Niort and Decisions No. 95-1012 of 12 December 1995 and No. 2000-1264 of 14 November 2000 renewing this authorisation

NOR: CSAX0511036S ELI: Not available

The Conseil supérieur de l' audiovisuel,
In view of Act No. 86-1067 of 30 September 1986 on freedom of communication, in particular its article 42-3;
In view of Decision No. 91-468 Dated May 17, 1991, authorizing SCGE SARL for the operation of a terrestrial microwave modulation radio service known as NRJ Niort and Decisions No. 95-1012 dated December 12, 1995 and No. 2000-1264 of November 14, 2000, Renewal of this authorization;
Given the existing agreement between the Conseil supérieur de l' audiovisuel and the SCGE SARL;
Given the request for a change in ownership of the SCGE SARL for the Niort area;
After Have deliberated,

Item 1

The authorization granted to SCGE SARL on the Niort area is transferred to the SAS NRJ Network.

Article 2

This decision will be notified to the SAS NRJ Network and published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Done at Paris, November 15, 2005.

For the Audio-Visual Higher Council:

The President,


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