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Order Of 27 December 2001 Amending The Order Of 22 December 1999 On The Establishment Of A Board Of Revenue And A Governance Advances At The Embassy Of France In Italy

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 27 décembre 2001 modifiant l'arrêté du 22 décembre 1999 portant institution d'une régie de recettes et d'une régie d'avances auprès de l'ambassade de France en Italie

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JORF No. 6 of 8 January 2002 Page 481
Text No. 25

Order of 27 December 2001 amending l' Order of 22 December 1999; a revenue authority and d' an imprest agreement with the French Embassy in Italy

NOR: MAEA0120568A ELI: Not available

The Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry and the Minister for Foreign Affairs,
In light of Decree No. 62-1587 of 29 December 1962 amending General Regulation on the Public accounting, in particular Article 18;
In view of Decree No. 64-685 of 2 July 1964 on the constitution and release of the security deposit required of public accountants;
In light of Decree No. 66-850 of 15 November 1966 on the Personal and financial responsibility of the regers, as amended by Decree No. 76-70 of 15 January 1976;
In light of Decree No. 92-681 of 20 July 1992 on revenue authorities and imprest accounts of public bodies;
Vu The order of 11 April 1995 relating to the institution in the countries falling within the competence of the general paymaster-general abroad of revenue authorities and imprest accounts with diplomatic missions, consular posts and Permanent representations of France to international bodies abroad;
In view of the decree of 17 November 1995 amending the institution of revenue authorities and imprest accounts with diplomatic missions, posts Consular and permanent representations of France to international bodies abroad;
In view of the Order of 21 January 1999 establishing a treasury at the French Embassy near the Italian Republic, The French Embassy near the Holy See and the permanent representation of France near the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations;
In view of the decree of 22 December 1999 establishing a revenue authority and From a imprest authority at the French Embassy in Italy,

Article 1

Article 3 of the decree of 22 December 1999 reads as follows:
" Art. 3. - The maximum authorised amount of cash is set at EUR 12 200. "

Article 2

Article 4 of the decree of 22 December 1999 reads as follows:
" Art. 4. - A cash fund of 52 EUR is allocated to the governed by the treasurer to facilitate its operation. "

Article 3

Article 5 of the decree of 22 December 1999 reads as follows:
" Art. 5. - It is hereby established with the Embassy of France in Italy an imprest authority for the payment of the expenses listed below:
" -expenditure on equipment and operating within the limit of EUR 250 per operation;
' - Emergency and exceptional relief.
" These two categories of expenses are only payable in cash;
" -Account maintenance and commission fees related to the payment of Chancery dues by bank card. "

Article 4

Article 6 of the decree of 22 December 1999 reads as follows:
" Art. 6. - The amount of the advance to be given to the administrator is set at EUR 2 300. "

Article 5

The Director General of Public Accounts in the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry and the The Director General of the Administration at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall each have responsibility for the execution of this Order, which shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Done at Paris, December 27, 2001.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs,

For the Minister and by delegation:

By preventing the Director General

from Administration:

The primary foreign secretary,

D. Chelet

Minister of Economy,

Finance and Industry,

For the Minister and by delegation:

By preventing the

general manager for public accounting:

The subdirector,


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