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Opinion On The Draft Decree Relative To The Price Of Electricity

Original Language Title: Avis sur le projet d'arrêté relatif au prix de l'électricité

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JORF No. 6 of 8 January 2003 Page 452
Text No. 98

Notice on Project d' Order Pricing Order

NOR: INDI0200823V ELI: Not available

The Electricity Regulatory Commission was seized on December 16, 2002 by the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry and the Minister Delegate to the Industry of a draft order concerning the price of electricity, providing for a reduction of EUR 3.3 per MWh of the duty-free rates for electricity from 1 January 2003.
This price movement is rooted in the amendments to the law of 10 February 2000 by the draft law on the gas and electricity markets and the public energy service, in its part
mechanism of the FSPPE, as established by the provisions of the Act of 10 February 2000, leads to the recovery of contributions from installed suppliers. In France in proportion to their delivery on the final French market or directly to consumers when they are supplied by a supplier installed abroad. Suppliers recover from their eligible clients contributions to the FSPPE to which they are subject, while non-eligible clients implicitly bear the burden of this contribution through regulated tariffs, which are supposed to be Cover all the costs of the historical operator.
Article 20a of the draft law amends the mechanism for collecting contributions, which will now be systematically owed by the final consumer in proportion to his consumption. They will be collected in the form of an additional levy at the rate regulated for non-eligible customers and the rates of use of the networks for eligible customers.
The CRE notes that the identification, on the invoice, of the cost of the Contribution to the public service responds to its concern to ensure the good information of the consumer, essential to his control of future eligibility.
The CRE notes that, by proposing a reduction in regulated tariffs of an amount equal to the Contribution paid by the final consumer in respect of public service charges and valued at EUR 3.3 per MWh for the year 2003, the Government also wishes to make " Without any significant consequences " For non-eligible customers on Change in the public service charging mechanism introduced by the bill, while remaining at the expense level proposed by the CRE prior to the passage of the law.
This tariff movement is therefore a direct consequence of Change in the manner in which contributions to public service charges are collected under the bill. This price order remains, however, based on Decree No. 88-850 of 29 July 1988 on the prices of electricity. The ERC reiterates the urgency of the adoption of the decree redesigning the sale price to non-eligible customers, based on a separate accounting now audited, pursuant to the law of 10 February 2000
No other remark to make on this draft order.
Done at Paris, 19 December 2002.

The President,

J. Syrota

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