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Decree Of 29 December 2003 Appointing The Artistic Council Of The Casa De Velázquez

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 29 décembre 2003 portant nomination au conseil artistique de la Casa de Velázquez

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JORF No. 6 of 8 January 2004 Page 740
Text No. 58

Order of 29 December 2003 appointing the Artistic Council of the Casa de Velázquez

NOR: MENR0302853A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of Youth, National Education and Research As of 29 December 2003, are appointed members of the artistic council of the Casa de Velázquez les personalities whose names follow:
M. Florentz (Jean-Louis), composer.
M. Folliasson (Michel), architect.
M. Granier (Jean-Marie),
M. Langlois (Christian), architect.
M. Lanvin (Gérard), sculptor.
M. Cardot (Jean), sculptor.
M. Millecamps (Yves), painter.
M. Polanski (Roman), filmmaker.
M. Petitgirard (Laurent), composer.
M. Gall (Hugues), free member.
M. Bosseur (Jean-Yves), Director of Research at the CNRS.
M. Jimenez (Marc), Professor at the University Paris-I.
Ms Gagnebin (Muriel), Professor at the University Paris-III.
Ms Leprun (Sylviane), Professor at University of Bordeaux-III.
M. Semprun (Jorge), writer.
M. Garouste (Gérard), plastician.
M. Escaich (Thierry), composer.

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