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Decision Adopted By The Supreme Council Of Audiovisual On December 2, 2003

Original Language Title: Délibération adoptée par le Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel le 2 décembre 2003

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JORF No. 6 of 8 January 2004 Page 746
Text No. 79

Deliberation adopted by the Conseil supérieur de l' audiovisual on 2 December 2003

NOR: CSAX0305400X ELI: Not available

Pursuant to Article 19 of Law No. 86-1067 of 30 September 1986, as amended, The Conseil supérieur de l' audiovisuel may, for the performance of the tasks entrusted to it by law, collect from the publishers of audiovisual communication services all the information necessary to ensure compliance with the
Under Article 20 of the agreements that ABsat has entered into with the CSA for services AB1, AB Moteurs, Action, Animaux, Chasse et Pêche, Encyclopedia, Escales, Mangas, Classical Music, XXL and Article 22 of the Convention entered into for the All History service, " The company shall provide the Senior Audiovisual Council with all the information enabling it to monitor compliance with the obligations to which it is responsible. The terms of this Agreement and the laws and regulations applicable to it.
Such information shall be provided by the company in paper or computer format whose characteristics are defined by the Council In
circular letter addressed to all television service publishers on June 24, 1997, the CSA reminded ABsat, in particular, that it was up to the Commission to send to the Council, each Quarter, a survey of audiovisual works broadcast by the services it publishes, indicating their title, gender, unitary format, copyright, country of origin, possible quality of European work or original expression The number of episodes broadcast and rebroadcast, the total volume broadcast (hour and minute).
By letter of 17 February 2003, the Council reminded the company ABsat of the need for the 2002 financial year to pay the highest attention to these Reports and communicate to the APF all the elements of identification for each work declared.
At the time of the review of the reports on the fulfilment of the obligations of ABsat for the financial year 2002, the Board of Governors Audiovisual media have found that the statements of audiovisual works broadcast by the aforesaid television services were incomplete and, as a result, did not allow it to monitor compliance with the obligations of the audiovisual sector. Company.
As a result, the Conseil supérieur de l' audiovisuel decides to retain the company ABsat, as the publisher of services AB1, AB Moteurs, Action, Animaux, Chasse et Pêche, Encyclopedia, Escales, Mangas, Musique Classique, XXL and All history, to conform, for the future, to the provisions of Article 19 of Law No. 86-1067 of 30 September 1986 as amended and to the stipulations of Article 20 of the aforementioned Conventions (Art. 22 for Service All History), under penalty of the penalties provided for in sections 42-1 et seq. Of the Act.
Issued December 2, 2003.

For the Audio-Visual Higher Council:

The President,


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