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Decree Of 15 December 2004 On The Approval As An Operator Of Preventive Archaeology Of The Departmental Service Of Archaeology Of The Upper Rhine

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 15 décembre 2004 portant agrément en qualité d'opérateur d'archéologie préventive du service départemental d'archéologie du Haut-Rhin

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JORF No. 6 of 8 January 2005 Page 385
Text #23

Decree of 15 December 2004 on the approval of the preventive archaeology of the departmental service d' archaeology of the Haut-Rhin

NOR: MCCL0400992A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of National Education, Higher Education and The research and the Minister of Culture and Communication of 15 December 2004:
-the departmental department of archaeology of the Haut-Rhin is accredited for the realization of all types of diagnostic operations for preventive archaeology Prescribed in its territory;
-the departmental department of archaeology of the Haut-Rhin is approved for the execution of excavations of preventive archaeology.
This approval shall be issued for a period of five years. In the event of a substantial change affecting, during that period, the conditions under which the authorisation has been granted, the holder shall inform the Minister responsible for culture within two months.

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