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Order Of 7 December 2005 On Declaration Of Public Utility For Expropriation By The State Of Goods At Major Natural Risk Of Torrential Flood

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 7 décembre 2005 portant déclaration d'utilité publique pour l'expropriation par l'Etat de biens exposés au risque naturel majeur de crue torrentielle

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JORF No. 6 of 7 January 2006 Page 314
Text No. 28

Order of 7 December 2005 declaring public utility for the expropriation by the State of property exposed to the major natural risk of torrential flood

NOR: DEVP0540467A ELI:

By order of the Minister of State, Minister of the Interior and The development of the territory, of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry and of the Minister of Ecology and Sustainable Development of 7 December 2005, is declared to be of public interest the expropriation by the State of exposed buildings The major natural risk of torrential flood threatening the lives of human lives on the territory of the commune of Bagnoles (Aude) and understood within the perimeter represented by a continuous red line on the parcellar plane annexed to this Order (1).
The buildings mentioned above shall be subject to an access restriction and, where necessary, demolition in order to prevent future occupancy.
The necessary expropriation shall be carried out no later than Five years from the publication of this Order.

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