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Decree Of 26 October 2005 On The Appointment Of The Members Of The Commission Whose Assent Is Required For The Designation Of The Gendarmes Who Are The Judicial Police Officer

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 26 octobre 2005 portant nomination des membres de la commission dont l'avis conforme est requis pour la désignation des gendarmes ayant la qualité d'officier de police judiciaire

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JORF No. 6 of 7 January 2006
Text N ° 38

Order of 26 October 2005 appointing the members of the commission of which the assent is required for the designation of constables with the quality of the judicial police officer

NOR: JUSD0530144A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of Defence and Seals Custody, Minister of On 26 October 2005, in accordance with the provisions of Article R. 3 (3) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the equal number of judges of the Public Prosecutor's Office and of the senior officers of the gendarmerie composing the commission provided for by the Article 16 (2) of the Code, the assent of which is required for the appointment of gendarmes with the status of a judicial police officer, shall be fixed, to take account of the number of candidates in the tests, to forty-four members
-Appointed members of the commission:
M. Bride (Thomas), substitute for the prosecutor of the Republic near the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Sens;
M. Bruneau (Jacques), General Counsel near the Paris Court of Appeal;
M. Chamouard (Benoît), substitute for the prosecutor of the Republic near the Tribunal de Grande Instance in Abbeville;
M. Corleases (Eric), general substitute for the General Secretariat near the Cour d' appel de Caen;
M. Debatisse (Mathieu), substitute for the prosecutor De la République près le Tribunal de grande instance de Paris;
Mme Fouillet (Violette), substitute du prosecutor de la République près le Tribunal de grande instance de Nanterre;
M. Genin (Henri), surrogate général près la cour d' appel de Versailles;
M. Ginsburger (Gilbert), Honorary General Counsel near the Court of Appeal of Paris;
M. Hurel (Benoist), substitute for the Attorney of the Republic near the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Créteil;
M. Julien (Alexandre), substitute for the Counsel for the Republic near the Tribunal de Grande Instance d' Evry;
Mme Lançon (Juliette), substitute du prosecutor de la République près le Tribunal de grande instance de Nanterre;
M. Lennon (Jean-Luc), substitute for the prosecutor of the Republic near the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Créteil;
M. Lesaux (Etienne), substitute for the prosecutor of the Republic near the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Pontoise;
M. Lescouarc'h (Thierry), substitute for the prosecutor of the Republic near the Tribunal de grande instance de Rouen;
M. Mazéas (Jean), Honorary General Counsel near the Paris Court of Appeal;
Mme Moreau (Corinne), vicinAttorney de la République près le Tribunal de grande instance de Paris;
M. Nahon (Frédéric), Substitute for the Prosecutor of the Republic near the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Boulogne-sur-Mer;
M. Necchi (Gino), Advocate General, Paris Court of Appeal;
M. Oualid (Jean-Pascal), Vice-Prosecutor of the Republic near the Court of Large instance of Pontoise;
M. Seurin (Michel), General Counsel near the Paris Court of Appeal;
M. Vicentini (Jean-Philippe), Prosecutor of the Republic near the High Court of Cambrai;
Ms Visiedo (Céline), substitute for the Prosecutor of the Republic near the Tribunal de Grande Instance d' Evry;
Lieutenant-Colonel Aubry (Jean-Pierre), gendarmerie region of Pays de la Loire;
Lieutenant-Colonel Bourdon (Gilbert), gendarmerie region of Haute-Normandie;
Lieutenant-Colonel Calloch (Loïc), gendarmerie region of Lower Normandy;
Lieutenant-Colonel Charrier (Philippe), gendarmerie region of Brittany;
Lieutenant-Colonel Combaud (Gilles), Central gendarmerie region;
Lieutenant-Colonel Demarquoy (Claude), gendarmerie region of Nord-Pas-de-Calais;
Lieutenant-Colonel Goumain (François), gendarmerie region of Poitou-Charentes;
Lieutenant-Colonel Hocq (André), gendarmerie region of Aquitaine;
Lieutenant-Colonel Langenbronn (Claude), gendarmerie region of Burgundy;
Lieutenant-Colonel Mugele (Alain), gendarmerie region of Corsica;
Lieutenant-Colonel Romarin (Guy), gendarmerie region of Alsace;
Lieutenant-Colonel Vailles (Alain), gendarmerie region of Midi-Pyrénées;
Chef d' squadron Andréani (Michel), gendarmerie region of Franche-Comté;
Head of squadron Baudin (Patrice), gendarmerie region of Paris;
Squadron Leader Felten (Xavier), region of Gendarmerie de Lorraine;
Head of squadron Gaspard (Norbert), gendarmerie region of Limousin;
Head of squadron Giudici (Didier), gendarmerie region of Rhône-Alpes;
Chef d' squadron Lambert (Bernard), gendarmerie region of Picardy ;
Squadron Leader Sommé (Laurent), Gendarmerie Region of Champagne-Ardenne;
Squadron Leader Taboni (Antoni), Gendarmerie Region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d' Azur;
Squadron Leader Vetsel (Patrick), Auvergne Gendarmerie Region ;
Squadron Leader White (Alain), Languedoc-Roussillon gendarmerie region.
II. -The order of 26 October 2004 appointing the committee provided for in Article 16 (2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure is repealed.

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