Key Benefits:
Prime Minister,
On the report of the Minister of Equipment, Transport, Housing, Tourism and the Sea,
In view of Council Directive 96 /53/EC of 25 July 1996 Fixing, for certain road vehicles in the Community, the maximum dimensions permitted in national and international traffic and the maximum permissible weights in international traffic, in particular Article 4-2 (a);
Given the code of the Road, including Article R. 312-4;
Due to the opinion of the Permanent Inter-Ministerial Group on Road Safety as of July 22, 2003;
The Council of State (Public Works Section) heard,
In R. 312-4 of the highway code, it is inserted a III bis as follows:
" III bis. -1 ° The movement of vehicles whose characteristics are defined in III above may also be authorised around a seaport to ensure exclusively the transport to or from that port of transported goods By sea.
This authorisation shall be granted only to vehicles or sets of vehicles which have been put on first circulation after a date fixed by order of the Minister responsible for transport and which complies with the requirements Techniques defined by this decree;
2 ° A decree of the State representative in the department where the seaport is located or a joint order of the representatives of the State in the relevant departments, taken after the opinion of the authorities Management of the travelled roads, allows the movement of these vehicles within a maximum radius of 100 kilometres around a site loading or unloading the port. This order specifies, where applicable, traffic restrictions to preserve road safety and the condition of the road; and
3 ° Exceptionally, an order of the Minister of the Interior and of the Minister of Transport, taken on Proposal of the State representative (s) in the relevant department (s), may, under the same conditions, authorise the movement of such vehicles within a maximum radius of 150 kilometres around a loading or unloading site Of a seaport, provided that such extension is necessary for the proper service of the port and does not constitute an undue interference with the activity of other modes of transport. "
The provisions of this Decree shall apply to Mayotte.
The Minister of Interior, Internal Security and Local Freedoms, the Minister of Defence, the Minister of Equipment, Transport, Housing, Tourism and the Sea, the Minister of The Overseas and the Secretary of State for Transport and the Sea shall each have responsibility for the execution of this Decree, which shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, January 7, 2004.
Jean-Pierre Raffarin
By the Prime Minister:
The Minister of Equipment, Transport,
du logement, du tourisme et de la mer,
Gilles de Robien
The Minister of the Interior,
of the Internal Security
and local freedoms,
Nicolas Sarkozy
The Minister of the Defense,
Michèle Alliot-Marie
The Minister of Overseas,
Brigitte Girardin
The Secretary of State for Transport
and the Sea,
Dominique Bussereau