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Order Of 7 January 2004 On The Appointment (Headquarters)

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 7 janvier 2004 portant nomination (administration centrale)

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JORF No. 7 of 9 January 2004 Page 796
Text No. 52

Order dated January 7, 2004 appointing (Headquarters)

NOR: AGRA0302331A ELI: Not available

By order of the Prime Minister and the Minister of Agriculture, Food, On 7 January 2004, Mr Gautereau (Benoît), chief engineer of rural engineering, water and forestry, was appointed as project manager responsible for steering the work related to the implementation of AGORHA, the future tool of the Management of human resources managed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Rural Affairs for a period of three years.
This employment is attached to the Director General of Administration.

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