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Decree Of December 18, 2006 Revision Of The Decree Of 31 July 2003 Relating To The Professional Title Heating Maintenance Officer

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 18 décembre 2006 portant révision de l'arrêté du 31 juillet 2003 relatif au titre professionnel d'agent de maintenance en chauffage

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JORF No. 7 of 9 January 2007 Page 435
Text #5

Decree of 18 December 2006 on the revision of the Professional Title of 31 July 2003; heating maintenance agent

NOR: SOCF0612596A ELI: Not available

The Minister of Employment, Social Cohesion and Housing,
In the light of articles L. 335-5 et seq. And R. 338-1 et seq. Of the code of education;
Given the order of 31 July 2003 Relating to the professional title of the maintenance agent for heating;
Having regard to the order of 9 March 2006 concerning the conditions for the grant of the professional title of the Ministry responsible for employment;
Given the employment, activities and Skills of the professional title of heating maintenance agent;
Given the certification repository of the professional title for heating maintenance;
In the opinion of the professional advisory committee, buildings and Public works on April 12, 2006,

Item 1 Read more about this Article ...

After its review by the aforementioned professional advisory committee, the decree of 31 July 2003 is thus revised:
I.-The decree of 31 July 2003 referred to above is extended for a period of three Years from the date of entry into force of this Order.
The title of the professional title " Heating maintenance agent " Is replaced by the title: Heating maintenance agent ".
II. Article 3 shall be replaced by the following provisions:
" Art. 3. - The professional title for heating maintenance is composed of the two constituent units listed below:
1. Ensure the commissioning and maintenance of small-power heating and hot water installations equipped with heating oil or gas generators.
2. Ensure the commissioning and maintenance of small-power heating and hot water installations equipped with gas wall generators.
They may be subject to certificates of professional competence (SPCs) Under the conditions laid down in the abovementioned decree of 9 March 2006. "
III. -After Article 3 of the decree of 31 July 2003, an article 3 bis reads as follows: "
" Art. 3 bis. -The holders of the certificates of professional competence obtained prior to the publication of this amending Order shall be deemed to have obtained the certificates of professional competence of the professional designation of Heating maintenance according to the following match table:

You can view the table in OJ
No 7, 09/01/2007 text number 5

IV. -The employment, activities and skills repository and the certification repository for the professional title for heating maintenance are available in any AFPA or approved center.

Article 2 Read more about this Article ...

The Annex to this Order contains the information required for the registration of the professional designation in the national directory of professional qualifications. It replaces the annex to the decree of 31 July 2003.

Article 3 Learn more about this Article ...

The General Delegate for Employment and Vocational Training shall be responsible for the execution of this Order, which shall be published and its annex to the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Item Appendix


Professional Title: Heating Service Agent
Level: V.
NSF Code: 227 r.

Job Repository Summary

The heating maintenance agent shall carry out the preventive and corrective maintenance of the heating and hot water production facilities in the individual dwellings, lodges or collective dwellings equipped with central heating In accordance with the regulations in force and according to the terms of a contract and the manufacturers' recommendations.
It intervenes on the elements of heat production (generators, burners, boilers, systems Solar), distribution elements (pumps, hydraulic networks), heat emitters (radiators, aerotherms, heating floors, hot water production), regulatory elements, and ancillary elements such as Valves.
It replaces the defective elements and verifies compliance of the devices related to the regulation (ventilation, extraction). It ensures the necessary controls in terms of safety, quality of releases to the environment and the performance of appliances in terms of energy consumption. It intervenes in a context of risks related to the presence of gas and combustion products, the handling of electric power equipment and the handling of loads in congested spaces, which requires sustained attention, the Compliance with safety standards and enforcement of existing regulations. For some of these interventions, it must be authorized.
The heating service agent makes frequent trips and has irregular schedules related to the mode and nature of the procedures (emergencies, periodic penalty payments). He works Alone and independently, while being placed under the control of a team leader to whom he or she must pass on any information relating to his or her activity. Some sensitive and regulated interventions are carried out by the team. In all cases, it is based on the plans, schemes and tuning values indicated by the technical documents. It must be able to provide to the customer, to whom he represents his business, and to his supervisor, any explanation of his or her interventions.

Atect and Descriptive Capabilities
of the Certification components

1. Ensure the commissioning and maintenance of small-power heating and hot water installations equipped with fuel oil or ground gas generators
To ensure the operation and maintenance of the circuits of Heating and hot water heaters equipped with a ground generator.
To ensure the commissioning and maintenance of low-power ground heating equipment.
To ensure the commissioning and maintenance of heating oil burners
To ensure the commissioning and maintenance of small-power gas burners.
To ensure the commissioning and maintenance of small power heating and hot water equipment using energy
Inform the customer about the use, driving and safety of small-power heating and hot water supplies.
Write related documents Maintenance of small power heating and hot water equipment.
2. Ensure the commissioning and maintenance of small-power heating and hot water installations equipped with gas wall generators
To ensure the commissioning and maintenance of heating circuits and Sanitary hot water equipped with a wall generator.
To ensure the service of small-power gas wall generators.
To maintain small-power gas wall generators.
To provide service and service Maintenance of the various small-power household gas appliances.
Inform the customer about the use, conduct and safety of small-power heating and hot water equipment.
Write related documents The maintenance of low-power heating and hot water equipment.

Business lines or types of jobs
accessed by the title holder

Companies Installation of thermal and air conditioning equipment having a maintenance department.
Maintenance companies, providing technical management of equipment, by contract, on behalf of their customers.
Type companies Craft, in case the technician already has an installation experience.
Thermal equipment manufacturers when they have an assembly or after-sales service.
ROME Codes:
42212-installer Health and thermal equipment.
52332-thermal, climatic and refrigeration systems.
Activity Regulation:
Empowerment for electrical work (Standard C18-510).
Responsible Authority for Certification:
Ministry responsible for employment.
Legal and regulatory bases:
Articles L. 335-5 et seq. And R. 338-1 et seq. Of the code of education;
Order of 9 March 2006 concerning the conditions for issuing the title Department responsible for employment.

Done at Paris, December 18, 2006.

For the Minister and by delegation:

By preventing the

delegate from employment and vocational training:

The Head of Mission for the

Training and Qualification Policies,

C. Rigodanzo

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