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Decree Of December 21, 2006 Relating To The Approval Of Agricultural Cooperatives

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 21 décembre 2006 relatifs à l'agrément de coopératives agricoles

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JORF No. 7 of 9 January 2007 Page 449
Text No. 29

Order of 21 December 2006 relating to the registration of agricultural cooperatives

NOR: AGRP0602642A ELI: Not available


By order of the Minister of Agriculture and fisheries as of 21 December 2006:
The approval provided for in Article L. 525-1 of the Rural Code, granted under N 1722 to the union of agricultural cooperatives of wine of the Schists, whose head office is in Faugères (département Of the Hérault), is withdrawn following the winding-up passed at the extraordinary general meeting of 5 December 2005.
The approval provided for in Article L. 525-1 of the Rural Code, granted under N 1981 to the agricultural cooperative partnership Regional des coopératives d' élevage et d' insemination Lisieux pays d' Auge Broglie " Urceilab ", whose head office is in Lisieux (department of Calvados), is withdrawn following the ratification of the fusion treaty-absorption, voted at the assembly The
provided for in Article L. 525-1 of the Rural Code, granted under N 2293 to the agricultural cooperative company of cereals and soil products Nor Agro, whose head office is in Bosc-Roger-sur-Buchy (department of the Seine-Maritime), is withdrawn following the ratification of the merger-absorption treaty, voted on at the extraordinary general meeting of 23 May 2006.

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