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Decree Of 14 December 2006 Authorizing The National School Of Architecture To Deliver Empowerment Of Architect Graduate Of St. Stephen State For The Exercise Of Project Management In Its Own Name

Original Language Title: Decree of 14 December 2006 authorizing the National School of Saint-Etienne architecture to deliver empowerment of architect graduate of State for the exercise of project management in its own name

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JORF No. 7 of 9 January 2007 Page 450
Text No. 33

Decree of 14 December 2006 enabling l' Ecole nationale supérieure d' architecture de Saint-Etienne to issue l' enablement of graduate architect d' mastery exercise D' works in its own name

NOR: MCCL0601005A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of National Education, Higher Education and The research and the minister of culture and communication on 14 December 2006, the Ecole nationale supérieure d' architecture de Saint-Etienne is empowered to grant the authorisation of the architect graduated from state to the exercise of the master's degree Its own name for a period of one year from the 2006-2007 academic year.

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