Key Benefits:
The Minister of Employment, Social Cohesion and Housing and the Minister of Transport, Equipment, Tourism and the Sea,
In the light of articles L. 133-1 and following of the Code Work;
In view of the Order of 5 July 2001 and the successive orders, in particular the Order of 31 October 2006, extending the national collective agreement for the activities of the waste of 11 May 2000 and of the amendments which have amended or supplemented it ;
In view of the amendment n ° 17 of July 25, 2006, concerning the conventional monthly salary and the value of the point, to the aforementioned national collective agreement;
In view of the request for extension by the signatory organisations;
In view of the opinion Published in the Official Journal of 20 October 2006;
In view of the opinions gathered during the investigation;
Given the reasoned opinion of the National Commission for Collective Bargaining (Sub-Committee on Conventions and Agreements), delivered at the session of 6 October 2006,
Are made mandatory for all employers and employees included in the scope of the National collective agreement on the activities of the waste of 11 May 2000, as extended by decree of 5 July 2001 and specified by the avenant n ° 8 of 25 March 2004, the provisions of the amendment n ° 17 of 25 July 2006 concerning the monthly salary Convention and the value of the point, to the aforementioned national collective agreement.
The extension of effects and sanctions Of the endorsement referred to above shall be made from the date of publication of this Order for the remaining duration and the conditions laid down by that rider.
The Director General of Labour at the Ministry of Employment, Social Cohesion and Housing and the Director General of the Sea and Transport at the Ministry of Transport, Equipment, Tourism and the Sea Shall each be responsible for the execution of this Order, which shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, December 27, 2006.
The Minister of Employment,
Social Cohesion and Housing,
For the Minister and by delegation:
The Deputy Director Individual
and collective job relationships,
E. Frichet-Thirion
The Minister of Transport, Equipment,
for Tourism and the Sea,
For the Minister and delegation:
By Preventing the
Director General from the sea and transports:
The civil administrator,
Note. -The text of the amendment referred to above has been published in the Official Bulletin of the Ministry, collective agreements no. 2006/40, available at the Official Journals Directorate, 26, rue Desaix, 75727 Paris Cedex 15, at 7.61.