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Decision Of December 20, 2001, Stopping The List For Admission To Concourse B. Of Recruitment To The Rank Of Engineer In The Military Corps Of Engineers Of Armament In Respect Of The Year 2001

Original Language Title: Décision du 20 décembre 2001 arrêtant la liste d'admission au concours B de recrutement au grade d'ingénieur dans le corps militaire des ingénieurs de l'armement au titre de l'année 2001

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JORF No. 8 of 10 January 2002 Page 618
Text No. 58

Decision of 20 December 2001 laying down the list of candidates for the rank of recruitment competition B ' engineer in the military corps of engineers of the engineers of l' year 2001

NOR: DEFA0102481S ELI: Not available

By decision of the Minister of Defence on December 20, 2001, the list Admission to competition B of recruitment to the rank of engineer in the military corps of arms engineers for the year 2001 is stopped as follows:
1 M. Gros (Jean-Christophe, François, Philippe), student of third year at the school Superior national of aeronautics and space;
2 Miss Serrier (Julie, Claude), third year student at the École nationale supérieure de techniques breakthroughs;
3 Miss Pelletier (Johana, Christiane, Marie-Pierre), third student Year at the Ecole nationale supérieure de l' aeronautics et de l' espace;
4 M. Daux (Matthieu, Jacques, Louis), a third-year student at the Ecole nationale supérieure de l' Aeronautics et de l' espace;
5 M. d' Angelo (Emmanuel, Pierre, Aimé), Second-year student at the Ecole nationale supérieure de l' aeronautics et de l' espace;
6 Mr. Carpentier (Christophe, Gilles), a second-year student at the Ecole nationale supérieure de l' aeronautical et de l'
. Pupils in the second year are conditioned by their admission in the third year of schooling.

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