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Order Of 19 December 2001 Tenure And Integration (National Interprofessional Cereals)

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 19 décembre 2001 portant titularisation et intégration (Office national interprofessionnel des céréales)

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JORF No. 8 of 10 January 2002 Page 618
Text No. 64

Order of December 19, 2001, substantive and integration (National Interprofessional Grains Office)

NOR: AGRD0200013A ELI: Not available

By order of the Director General of the National Interprofessional Grains Board As of 19 December 2001, the officers whose names follow are held in the rank of attaché and integrated in the administrative body of the National Interprofessional Office for Cereals as from 1 December 2001 and reclassified in The following conditions:
Annesser (Isabelle), 2nd step effective December 1, 2001, retirement age: none;
Brule (Dominica), 3rd step as of December 1, 2001, reliquary of seniority: 1 year 8 months 23 days;
Daumas (Anne), 4th increment effective December 1, 2001, reliquary of seniority: 8 months;
Debray (Michel), 2nd echelon as of December 1, 2001, reliquat of seniority: 10 months.

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