Key Benefits:
The Prime Minister,
On the report of the Minister of the Interior, Internal Security and Local Freedoms,
Given the Electoral Code;
Due to Act No. 77-729 of 7 July 1977 as amended on the election of representatives to the European Parliament;
Having regard to Act No. 2001-616 of 11 July 2001 on Mayotte, in particular the I (7 °) of its Article 3;
In view of Act No. 2003-327 of 11 April 2003 on The election of regional councillors and representatives to the European Parliament and to state aid to political parties;
In view of Act No. 2003-697 of 30 July 2003 reforming the election of senators;
In the light of Decree No. 79-160 of the 28 February 1979 amending the application of Act No. 77-729 of 7 July 1977 on the election of representatives to the European Parliament;
Having regard to Decree No. 99-239 of 24 March 1999 for the application of 2 ° of Article 2 of Decree No. 97-34 On 15 January 1997 concerning the deconcentration of individual administrative decisions and on the remit of the regional prefects;
The Council of the State (section of the interior) heard,
The Election Code (Regulatory Party) shall be amended in accordance with Articles 2 to 4 of this Decree.
The second paragraph of Article R. 183 is supplemented by the following words: " And show the order of the candidates within each departmental section. ".
Article R. 184 is replaced by the following:
" Art. R. 184. -The state of the lists of candidates in the first round of voting shall be adopted, in the order of the lists of candidates, by the regional prefect and published by his care, as well as by the prefects of the other departments of the region, no later than the third Saturday which
The status of the lists of candidates in the second round is, if applicable, stopped and published under the same conditions no later than Wednesday after the first round. It shall be the subject of additional publications where the fourth paragraph of Article L. 351 has been applied.
For each round, the statement shall indicate the title of the list, the order of the departmental sections and the names and prenames of the Candidate named head of list, then the names and names of all the candidates making up the list, divided by departmental section and listed in the order of presentation. "
Article R. 186 is replaced by the following:
" Art. R. 186. -The ballot papers shall contain the title of the list, the names and the names of the nominated candidate and the names and names of each candidate in the list, divided by departmental section and in the order of presentation, such as That it is the result of the publication under Article R. 184.
Decree No. 79-160 of 28 February 1979 implementing Act No. 77-729 of 7 July 1977 on the election of representatives to Parliament Shall be amended in accordance with Articles 6 to 14 of this Decree.
In the first paragraph of Article 3, the words : " On Monday following the publication of the decree calling on the electors " Are replaced by the words: " The fourth Monday before polling day ".
The last paragraph of the same section is repealed.
Section 4 is repealed.
The The first subparagraph of Article 5 shall be replaced by the following:
" The lists of candidates by electoral district and in the order of their filing shall be published in the Official Journal, no later than the second Sunday preceding the day Vote. "
In Article 6, the words:" As publications are published in the Official Journal " Are replaced by the words: " In the order of their publication in the Official Journal ".
Article 7 is replaced by the following:
" Art. 7. - The ballot papers shall contain the title of the list, the electoral district in which it presents itself, and the names and names of each candidate in the order of their presentation, as the result of the publication provided for in Article 5. "
Article 8 is replaced by the following:
" Art. 8. - With a view to the distribution provided for in the second paragraph of Article 19 of the aforementioned Law of 7 July 1977, each parliamentary group of the National Assembly and the Senate shall designate a single party or group. The list of parties and groupings so designated shall be transmitted to the High Audiovisual Council by the Presidents of the National Assembly and the Senate no later than the fifth Monday before polling day.
The request for the use of Broadcasts of the public service of the audiovisual communication filed, pursuant to the fifth paragraph of Article 19 of the Act of 7 July 1977 referred to above, to the Ministry of the Interior by the parties and political groupings must specify the name, The address, telephone and fax numbers and, if applicable, the e-mail address of the party or group and of the person acting as the party's correspondent for the application.
The list of parties and groupings Definitively admitted to using the broadcasts of the public service of the audiovisual communication in accordance with the third and fourth paragraphs of Article 19 of the aforementioned Law of 7 July 1977 shall be adopted by the Minister responsible for the interior, Which shall transmit it to the Conseil supérieur de l' audiovisuel and notify the parties and groups which have made a request for the continuation of the application.
The requests made under the last paragraph of Article 19 of the Act of 7 July 1977 The above mentioned by the parties or groupings with a view to the addition of their broadcasting time for the implementation of one or more joint programmes shall be addressed to the Conseil supérieur de l' audiovisuel before the third Saturday before polling day At twelve o'clock. "
In Article 9, the words:" The High Authority of the audiovisual communication provided for in Article 22 of the July 7, 1977 above " Are replaced by the words: " The Higher Audiovisual Council ".
In Article 10, The words: " The High Authority for Audiovisual Communication " Are replaced by the words: " The Conseil supérieur de l' audiovisuel ".
Sections 17 and 18 are repealed
Decree No. 99-239 of 24 March 1999 for the application Of the 2 ° of Article 2 of Decree No. 97-34 of 15 January 1997 on the devolution of individual administrative decisions is thus amended:
I.-Article 2 becomes Article 3.
II. -A new Article 2 reads as follows:
" Art. 2. - The following regional prefects shall make a flat-rate reimbursement of the election expenses of the candidates for the election of the representatives to the European Parliament as well as the reimbursement of their propaganda expenses Official:
You can view the table in OJ
No 8 of 10/01/2004 page 833 to 834
The title of Title IIa of Book II of the Election Code reads as follows:
" Appointment of delegates to the Assembly of Corsica. "
The first paragraph of Article R. 169 of the Election Code is replaced by a paragraph worded as follows:
" In the Departments where four or more senators are elected, the proportional representation with a complementary distribution shall be applied according to the rule of the highest average, in accordance with the provisions set out below. "
Regardless of their application to Mayotte under the law of 11 July 2001, the provisions of the title II of this Decree are applicable in New Caledonia, French Polynesia and Wallis and Futuna Islands.
The Minister of the Interior, Internal Security and Local Freedoms, the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, and the Minister for Overseas shall each have responsibility for the execution of this Order, each of which Will be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic
Done at Paris, January 9, 2004.
Jean-Pierre Raffarin
By the Prime Minister:
The Minister of the Interior,
and local freedoms,
Nicolas Sarkozy
Finance and Industry Minister
Francis Mer
The Minister for Overseas,
Brigitte Girardin