Key Benefits:
Minister of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Rural Affairs Consider taking, in application of Articles L. 131-3, L. 133-8 and L. 133-9 of the Labour Code, an order to make compulsory, for all employers and employees included in the field of professional and territorial application of The collective agreement of 13 December 1951 concerning the forestry operations of the department of Seine-Maritime and the Forest of Lyons (Eure), the amendment No. 91 of 12 November 2003 to the said Convention, concluded in Rouen between:
La Union chamber of forestry operators, sawers, allied industries in Haute-Normandie,
On the one hand, and
The CFDT union of employees of the Seine-Maritime farms,
On the other
. To upgrade the minimum wages of workers in time and to the task as of 1 October 2003.
The text of this agreement was tabled on 2 December 2003 at the departmental office of the Labour Inspectorate, Employment and Social Policy In
with the provisions of Articles L. 133-14 and R. 133-1 of the Labour Code, of the Labour Code of the Seine-Maritime, where it can be consulted, as well as the departmental service of the Eure. To make known within 15 days their observations on the proposed extension.
Their communications should be addressed to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Rural Affairs, Directorate-General De la forêt et des affaires rurales (collective bargaining office), 19, avenue du Maine, 75732 Paris Cedex 15.