Key Benefits:
The Minister of Health and Solidarity,
Given the Social Security Code, and in particular articles L. 165-1 to L. 165-5 and R. 165-1 to R. 165-30;
Given the Public Health Code ;
In view of the opinion of the product evaluation commission of 13 July 2005,
In Title III of the List of Reimbursable Goods and Benefits, Chapter 1, Section 2, under the heading " Anal sphincterian plant ", after" Sphincterian repair ", is added the following condition:
You can view the table in OJ
No 8 of 10/01/2006 text number 22
This Order takes effect as of the thirteenth day following the day of its publication in the Official Journal.
The Director of Social Security and the Director General of Health at the Ministry of Health and Solidarity are responsible. Each in respect of the execution of this Order, which shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, December 23, 2005.
For the Minister and by delegation :By preventing the Director
from Social Security:
subdirector of the
funding for the care system,
J.-P. Vinquant
By preventing
from the Director General of Health:
policy for health products,
H. Holy Marie