Key Benefits:
The Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry and the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries,
Given the Rural Code, and in particular Titles II and III of Book II;
Given the Order in Council N ° 65-659 of 28 July 1965 making the declaration of certain animal diseases mandatory;
In light of Decree No. 65-1166 of 24 December 1965 on the regulation of public administration adding to the nomenclature of diseases deemed contagious la Brucellosis in the bovine species, when it manifests itself through abortion, and prescribing the sanitary measures applicable to that disease, and in particular Article 5 thereof;
Having regard to Decree No. 65-1177 of 31 December 1965 on Prophylaxis Bovine, ovine and caprine brucellosis and the regulation of the disposal and use of brucellic antigens;
In light of Decree n 2001-441 of 21 May 2001 adding the brucellosis of domestic and wild towels to the list of diseases Animals deemed contagious;
In view of the Order of 18 November 1965 prescribing the procedure for the mandatory declaration of certain animal diseases;
In the light of the amended 20 March 1990 order laying down technical and administrative measures Relating to the health police and the collective prophylaxis of bovine brucellosis;
In the light of the Decree of 12 July 1990 laying down the conditions for the approval of laboratories responsible for the testing of bovine, ovine and ovine brucellosis Caprine;
In view of the decree of 16 July 1990 laying down the conditions for the preparation, detention, transfer and control of antigens for the diagnosis of bovine, ovine and caprine brucellosis;
In view of the Decision of 17 March 1992 concerning The conditions to be met by slaughterhouses of slaughter animals for the production and placing on the market of fresh meat and determining the conditions for the sanitary inspection of such establishments;
In view of the order of 13 October 1998 fixing the technical and administrative measures relating to collective prophylaxis and the health police of ovine and caprine brucellosis;
Having regard to the order of 5 June 2000 on the breeding register;
In view of the order of 7 November 2000 laying down the animal health requirements for the distribution of porcine semen;
In view of the Decree of 27 August 2002 laying down the financial measures for the control of brucellosis of domestic and wild fur-breeding animals ;
Given the opinion of the National Veterinary Commission (Advisory Committee on Animal Health and Protection) dated 15 September 2005;
In view of the opinion of the French Food Safety Agency dated 21 July 2005;
On the proposal of the Director General for Food at the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries,
For the purposes of this Order:
-porcine: any animal in Rearing of the family of wipers (Sus spp.) : domestic pigs or farmed boars;
-operation: any establishment, construction or, in the case of an open-air farming, any place in which animals are held, raised or handled;
-operation of fattening : operation holding only pig hogs;
-porcine animals: all pig units bred for the same zootechnical or experimental purposes in buildings or on common plots;
-approved centre for collecting Seed: officially registered and officially controlled establishment, referenced under a veterinary registration number, and in which semen is produced for artificial insemination;
-quarantine approved: quarantine entry In the centre for the collection of porcine semen approved by the prefect (departmental director of veterinary services);
-porcin impbere: porcin aged less than six months;
-porcin future breeder: porcin later destined for the Reproduction;
-porcin reproductive: porcin already used for reproduction for the multiplication of the species;
-porcin of Annuity: porcin for fattening or slaughterhouse, regardless of age;
-holder: all Natural or legal person responsible for at least two pigs, even on a temporary basis;
-epizootic: reaching a large number of animals over a short period (a few weeks);
-enzootic: reaching a large number of animals on A long period (a few months)
This Order Defines the measures to be applied when, in an operation, one or more pigs are suffering from brucellosis, which is considered to be contagious (called brucellosis in the rest of the order).
The diagnostic tests for brucellosis of pigs can only be performed by the only laboratories approved for the search for brucellosis Bovine, ovine and caprine animals under the Decree of 12 July 1990 referred to above, and in accordance with the methods and techniques recommended by the national reference laboratory for animal brucellosis.
The commitment of the responsible laboratory officer, As provided for in Article 3 of the decree of 12 July 1990 referred to above, shall apply mutatis mutandis to the tests for the search for brucellosis of pigs.
The Director of the approved laboratory shall promptly transmit the results of the diagnostic tests/screening tests for porcine brucellosis to the Departmental Director of Veterinary Services. The latter shall notify the holder or owner of the animals, the veterinary surgeon of the operation and the departmental official of the health defence group concerning the results of the diagnostic tests. Members.
For the search for brucellosis of swine, the following methods are authorized:
a) Diagnosis Bacteriological isolation and identification of Brucella strain;
b) Serologic diagnosis by buffered brucellic antigen (TAT) or complement fixation test (FC);
c) Any other method of diagnosis Authorized by the Minister responsible for agriculture.
Reagents for the diagnosis of swine brucellosis must be Satisfy the conditions of preparation, transfer and control defined by the decree of 16 July 1990 referred to above.
Any therapeutic or desensitizing intervention that changes the results of diagnostic tests for swine brucellosis or the progression of infection is prohibited.
Vaccination of swine against brucellosis is prohibited.
It is the responsibility of the owners and holders of animals or their representatives to take all necessary measures to assist in the implementation of the measures prescribed by this Order, in particular by Ensuring the restraint of their animals and, in accordance with the regulations in force, their identification and enumeration.
If necessary, in particular during the failure of a breeder and at the request of the departmental director of Veterinary services, health-related organisations, in relation to their members, or other relevant agricultural professional organisations, shall assist in the implementation of those measures
A herd is Suspect to be infected with swine brucellosis in the case of:
(a) Finding, in particular in the open-air hog herd and with the exception of approved seed collection centres and quarantine facilities, abortions, orchids, or Any other disorder of enzootic or epizootic reproduction associated with positive results in the serological diagnostic tests of brucellosis authorized by the Minister responsible for agriculture;
(b) Or finding, in A registered centre for the collection of porcine semen or a registered quarantine facility, positive serological reactions as defined by the Minister responsible for agriculture;
(c) Or highlighting an epidemiological link With a recognized exploitation of brucellosis, in accordance with Chapter IV, Section 3, of this Order.
Any owner or person having, in any capacity, the care or custody of all or part of the animals of a suspect pig herd to be infected with brucellosis is required under Article L. 223-5 of the rural code, to make the declaration to the veterinary surgeon of the farm or to the veterinary services of the department where the operation is located.
A veterinarian or any person who has conducted tests or tests to suspect or establish the existence of brucellosis in a pig herd is required to Inform the departmental director of veterinary services of the department where the animal is located without delay and to provide it with all the information available to it
When, in a pig herd, brucellosis is suspected on one or more animals, the prefect takes on a proposal from the The departmental director of veterinary services an operation-monitoring order, which involves the following measures:
1. The visit and census of all porcins present in the exploitation and animals of other sensitive species;
2. The isolation of pigs and animals from other sensitive species and the sequestration of pigs that have aborted or presented an orchitis or any other reproductive disorder or joint disorder;
3. The prohibition on leaving pigs, except at the direct destination of a slaughterhouse or fattening operation, by way of derogation and on the authorisation of the departmental director of veterinary services;
4. The prohibition of allowing entry into the premises or grasslands of the operation of animals sensitive to brucellosis from other operations;
5. The prohibition on leaving premises and grasslands for the exploitation of animals sensitive to brucellosis;
6. (a) In pig herds other than approved collection and quarantine centres, the production of samples for the bacteriological diagnosis of brucellosis on all breeding pigs with clinical signs, and in particular on Female aborted; the execution of blood samples for the serological diagnosis of brucellosis on all breeding pigs of the farm in accordance with the modalities specified by the minister responsible for agriculture. In addition, the Departmental Director of Veterinary Services should consult the national reference laboratory for animal brucellosis in order to possibly carry out further examinations in accordance with detailed procedures The Minister responsible for agriculture. In this context, a slaughtering for diagnostic purposes of a few breeding animals may be carried out in order to permit the necessary samples to be taken for bacteriological diagnosis;
b) In the approved seed collection centres The conduct of supplementary examinations in accordance with the modalities specified by the Minister responsible for agriculture.
In the case of a multi-unit operation, the Departmental Director of Veterinary Services may derogate from the requirements set out in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the Section 13 with respect to healthy production units of operations, provided that the structure and conduct of the culture allow the brucellic infection to spread from one production unit to another.
The conditions for lifting the operating-monitoring order are specified by Ministerial Direction In charge of agriculture
a) For the purposes of this Order, a pig herd other than a licensed semen collection centre or quarantine facility is known to be infected with brucellosis when a Approved laboratory shall demonstrate and in accordance with methods and techniques in accordance with the provisions of Article 3:
-a bacterium of the genus Brucella after test of culture on at least one animal of the herd even in the absence of symptoms ;
-or positive serological reactions to both the AT and the CF on at least 10 % of the breeding stock of the suspect herd within the meaning of Article 10 (a) or (c);
-or at least one positive result in any other Diagnosis implemented in a manner specified by the Minister responsible for agriculture.
(b) For the purposes of this Order, a registered centre for the collection of porcine semen or an approved quarantine facility is known to be infected Of brucellosis when, even in the absence of symptoms:
-an approved laboratory shall demonstrate and in accordance with methods and techniques in accordance with the provisions of Article 3, a bacterium of the genus Brucella after test of cultivation on the Less an animal of the herd;
-or the operation of origin of the pig (s) that led to the suspicion as defined in Article 10 (b) is itself infected in accordance with Article 16 (a) above.
When the presence of brucellosis is confirmed in a pig herd, the prefect, on a proposal from the director Département of veterinary services, a prefectural decree declaring an infection of the operation which, in addition to the measures provided for in Article 13, entails the application of the following measures:
1. Individual identification of weaned annuity porcins, using a pre-printed loop with a unique number;
2. Slaughter of all pigs held in the operation;
3. The implementation of screening methods on ruminants for the research of brucellosis, in accordance with the regulations for prophylaxis and the health policy of brucellosis in effect for these species. Dogs maintained in contact with infected cattle should be tested for serologic testing for brucellosis (EAT and FC). In the event of a positive result, any contact of the dog concerned with a positive result at least one of the tests with animals of other sensitive species is prohibited. In the case of the conservation of the dog, according to the modalities specified by the minister responsible for agriculture, the treatment must be certified by a veterinarian. The transfer of this animal is prohibited;
4. The implementation by the Departmental Director of Veterinary Services of an epidemiological investigation, in accordance with Section 3 of this Chapter.
In accordance with the provisions of the decree of 5 June 2000 referred to above, in the event of an exit or death of a pig, the holder of the animals shall record in the breeding register the date, the individual identification number of the And its establishment of destination. This register shall be kept at the place of detention of the animals for a minimum period of five years and shall be submitted at any request of the veterinary services agents.
In the event of the death of animals, a removal slip shall be issued by the renderer, on which the individual identification number of the abducted porcins is mentioned. This certificate shall be retained by the owner or holder of the animals and shall be submitted to any request by the veterinary services agents
Any aborted porcine female shall be slaughtered within 15 days of the official notification to the owner or holder of the Animals of the catch of the prefectural order for the declaration of infection under section 17.
All breeding swine must be slaughtered within 30 days of the official notification to the owner or holder of the Animals of the taking of the prefectural order for the declaration of infection provided for in Article 17.
Charged pigs May be fattened on the spot until they are slaughtered, in a manner specified by instruction of the Minister responsible for agriculture. By way of derogation, they may be directed to an establishment outside the infected holding exclusively for fattening pigs for slaughter.
A weanling porch may leave the place where it is held only if it is identified individually and accompanied by a pass indicating its identification number, the date of the Departure and the place of destination. The animal shall be directed directly, without load breaking, to a slaughtering establishment or to a fattening operation authorised by the departmental director of veterinary services, and after consultation with the departmental director The veterinary services concerned if the operation of fattening is located in another department.
In the case where the animal is directed to a slaughterhouse, the original of the pass shall be given as soon as the animal is introduced, against receipt, The veterinary inspector or the slaughterhouse operator, who shall, within eight days, contact the departmental director of veterinary services of the animal's department of origin under the cover of the departmental director of veterinary services Where the animal has been slaughtered.
When the animal is directed to a fattening operation, the pass accompanies the animal and is retained by its owner or holder to be presented at any request of the animal. Administrative authorities. At the end of fattening, a new pass must accompany the animal to the slaughterhouse.
On farms Infected, aborts, foetuses and placental envelopes at contaminated sites must be destroyed as soon as possible. The manure, litter and straws must be stored under conditions that destroy the Brucella and be deposited in a place outside the reach of domestic or wild animals of the operation and the vicinity.
Application to the For use in vegetable crops, manure, litter and straws from infected livestock are prohibited
An epidemiological investigation is carried out by the Departmental Director of Veterinary Services to determine:
1. The origin, date and mode of introduction of brucellosis into the infected farm, in particular with respect to movements and contacts of domestic or wild animals (wild boars, hares), persons, materials or materials susceptible Transported the brucellosis agent to the infected farm within six months prior to the release of the agent;
2. The movements and contacts of animals, persons, materials or equipment that may have transported the brucellosis agent from the infected farm within six months prior to the operation of the site.
Any pig farm suspected of being responsible for contamination of another operation is subject to the measures In Chapter III, section 2, of this Order. However, if the epidemiological investigation establishes that the contamination of the infected farm can result only from contact with a wild boar or a hare, only the holdings concerned by Article 24 (2) shall be subject to the Measures provided for in Chapter III, section 2, of this Order.
The samples required for confirmation of the brucellic infection are carried out on these holdings without delay.
Annuity porcins and future breeding porcins not yet put into service, within six months of its being monitored, of a Declared infected with brucellosis may be fattened for slaughter in accordance with Article 21. They cannot, under any circumstances, be reproduced.
The holdings in which the epidemiological investigation, Carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 24 above, the recovery of breeding pigs in service from infected pig brucellosis shall be subject to the measures provided for in Chapter III, Section 2, of the present Stopped.
In addition, spawners from the infected farm within six months of the operation are slaughtered immediately and are sampled for diagnostic/screening Bacteriological of brucellosis
After Removal of the animals identified in accordance with the provisions of Articles 20 to 22 of this Order, the disinfection of premises and materials for the use of animals shall be carried out in accordance with the regulations in force. Where the operation involves outdoor rearing facilities, the park land must be treated with quicklime and then returned. In addition, these facilities shall be subject to a health vacuum of at least three months, during which no animal can be held there or no forage crops or vegetable crops.
Once the disinfection operations have been carried out and after treatment or disposal of the animals of the canine species, the order declaring the infection Is lifted.
However, when the farm holds bovine, ovine and caprine animals, the order declaring the infection is maintained:
-until the animals are removed from other susceptible species Brucellosis and the first favourable sanitation check carried out in accordance with the regulations for the prophylaxis and the health police of brucellosis in these species;
-or, after total slaughter of the animals of the sensitive species To brucellosis, until the completion of the cleaning and disinfection operations in accordance with the regulations in force.
The order declaring the infection is replaced by an order for monitoring that Maintains the prohibitions laid down in paragraphs 4 and 5 of Article 13 until the requalification of bovine, ovine and caprine animals, in accordance with the regulations in force
In the case of operations where all or part of the hog herd is maintained in the open air, Minimum equipment and facilities defined by instruction of the Minister responsible for agriculture shall be set up in order to avoid contamination of pigs by animals of wild fauna. In the event of the contamination of pigs by wild animals, any infringement of the provisions of this Article shall result in the loss of the slaughter allowances of the animals as laid down in the decree of 15 March 2002.
The viscera and their lymph nodes and the blood of pigs from an infected farm are mandatory Seized, denatured and destroyed. The meat must undergo heat treatment to reach a temperature of at least 65 ° C at heart. Carcasses to undergo this heat treatment are driven to the treatment centre.
By Derogation, the thermal treatment of meat is not compulsory in the case of an infection caused by Brucella, the type of which is specified by the instruction of the Minister responsible for agriculture and whose characteristics make it non-pathogenic for The man in case of consumption of meat from contaminated animals. In addition, the seizure, denaturation and destruction of the viscera, lymph nodes and blood may only concern breeding pigs. Within the scope of this derogation, the fattened or retrained animals shall be taken to the slaughterhouse for slaughter for a normal recovery of the meat (and, where appropriate, by-products); in this case, the individual identification and the Laissez-passer provided for in Articles 17 and 22 are not required.
The Decree of 15 March 2002 fixing the police measures Sanitary conditions for brucellosis of domesticated and farmed animals is repealed.
Director General Food in the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Director of the Budget in the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry and the Prefects shall each have responsibility for the execution of this Order, which shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic
Done at Paris, November 14, 2005.
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries,
For the Minister and delegation:
The Executive Director of Food,
S Villers
The Minister of the Economy,
Finance and Industry,
For the Minister and by delegation:
By preventing the budget director:
The Deputy Director,
H. Eyssartier