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Decree Of 20 December 2006 On The Assignment Of A Federal Building Complex

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 20 décembre 2006 portant affectation d'un ensemble immobilier domanial

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JORF No. 8 of 10 January 2007
Text No. 17

December 20, 2006 Order assigning a federal real estate

NOR: THREAT0603192A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of National Education, Higher Education and The research and the minister responsible for the budget and the reform of the State, spokesman for the Government, on 20 December 2006, are permanently assigned to the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research Spaces of a total net useful area of 5,062.3 square metres, dependent on a federal real estate set at 52, rue du Cardinal-Lemoine and 22, rue Monge, in Paris 5th, and cadastré section AI number 47; the area of spaces is distributed as Follows:

You can view the table in OJ
No 8 of 10/01/2007 text number 17

such as these spaces are in the plan appended to this order (1).
These premises, Entered in the general table of State properties under number 758-00249 under the heading " Economy, finance and industry (central services) " shall be identified for the benefit of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Search.
The compensation provided for in Article R. 88-1-II of the State Domain Code was fixed at sixteen million five hundred thousand euros (16,500,000) Corresponding to the venal value of the premises.

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