Key Benefits:
The Minister of National Education, Higher Education and Research,
Given the Insurance Code, and in particular Article L. 412-1;
In light of Decree No. 88-413 of 22 April 1988 as amended relating to the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts, and in particular Article 23;
In view of the opinion of the Professional Development Board of the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts dated March 21, 2006;
In view of the advice of the Board Office of the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts dated June 28, 2006,
The purpose of the National Insurance School is:
-to provide direct and remote higher education in the fields of insurance and finance;
-to conduct research Fundamental and applied in the fields of insurance and finance;
-to provide advice and service in these fields.
These activities are likely to be carried out with the assistance of external bodies, in The conditions laid down by agreements between the latter and the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers.
Under the authority of the deputy head of the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts, the school is headed by a director, assisted by a technical commission whose composition is fixed by the regulation School interior. The deputy head shall appoint the members of that commission. The latter appoints its President, who is chosen from among the external personalities. The accounting officer of the conservatory or his representative shall attend the meetings with a consultative vote.
The technical committee meets at least twice a year upon convocation by the deputy head. It shall be convened if the Chairman of the Commission or one third of its members so requests. The agenda for meetings shall be drawn up by the deputy head on the proposal of the chairman of the committee.
The technical committee is consulted on the school's activity programmes as well as on the annual forecast of charges and products. It shall be kept informed of the conventions referred to in the last paragraph of Article 2, above.
It shall adopt the rules on studies setting out in particular the conditions for the admission of pupils in continuous training, the conditions governing the organisation of the supervision of Knowledge as well as the rules for the grant of diplomas of its own. It shall be kept informed of the appointment of the teachers.
The Technical Committee shall adopt the rules of procedure of the school, which shall be approved by the Administrative Board of the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts.
The principal of the school is appointed by the deputy head after advice from the school's technical committee.
An Assistant Director and a Corporate Secretary may be appointed by the deputy head, On the proposal of the principal of the school.
Vacatory or contract staff in the school are appointed by the deputy head on the proposal of the principal of the school.
The deputy head may delegate to the principal of the school Signature on appointment of vacant teacher personnel.
The school organises examinations and issues, under the signature of the deputy head of the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts, the diplomas and certificates of its own, under the conditions set out in Article 5 above.
These diplomas and certificates may be issued to pupils of the school and to pupils of organizations who have entered into an agreement with the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts provided for in Article 2 above.
The deputy head of the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts determines the means available to the school.
The deputy head, under the last paragraph of Article 19 of the decree of 22 April 1988, may delegate his signature to the principal of the school for the management of Credits that are allocated to the school.
The products and expenses of the school are traced in a responsibility centre within the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts.
Products include:
-tuition fees, Library and examination;
-grants from the state, public communities, private individuals, institutions or professional groups, international organizations;
-donations and bequests;
-reimbursements Services provided by the school;
-research contracts;
-the apprenticeship tax;
-the various products
The expenses include:
-the remuneration of school staff and teachers School;
-remuneration for work corrections, student review boards, and educational materials used by the school;
-funding for agreements that can be spent to provide services, Training;
-acquisition of materials or supplies required for school activity;
-miscellaneous operating costs;
-publication costs of school studies and works;
- Participation in the general expenses of the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts.
The deputy head of the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts is responsible for the execution of this Order, which will be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, December 26, 2006.
For the Minister and by delegation:
Director General of Higher Education,
J.-M. Monteil