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Notice On Implementing Sale Of Official Publications (La Documentation Française Branch)

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JORF No. 8 of 10 January 2007 Page 566
Text N ° 110

Notice concerning the sale of official publications (direction of the French documentation)

NOR: PRMX0700030V ELI: Not available

These publications are for sale:
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-to the object store Documentation française, 29, quai Voltaire, 75344 Paris Cedex 07, mél:;
-à l' agence régionale de la Documentation française, 165, rue Garibaldi, 69003 Lyon, mél:;
-by correspondence :
-à la Documentation française, service des commands, 124, rue Henri-Barbusse, 93308 Aubervilliers Cedex.
Please also note the following contact information:
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Payment to the Accounting Officer of the French documentation.
For a more rapid treatment of orders, it is recommended to indicate the reference of the work (reference reported after the ISBN).
French documentation put up for sale from December 22, 2006 to January 4, 2007 :

Common Accounts 2004
Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry
Public Accounts Branch

This book presents the synthesis The 2004 national accounts. It has been carried out on the basis of the extensive operation of the accounts for the management of the metropolitan and overseas communes held by the treasury accountants, municipal recipients.
The reader will be able to complete the information by referring to the data sheets. Individual financial resources of the municipalities: these are freely available on the website of the Ministry of Finance dedicated to the local authorities: (tab: local finance/accounts Communities/communes).
2006, la Documentation française, collection " Local public sector ", 88 p. -Statistics. -10. -ISBN: 2-11-006254-1. -Ref: : 9 782110 062543.

The Mayor's Guide
Ministry of Interior and Spatial Planning
Local Community Bureau (DGLB)

Fully updated after the adoption of The Act of 13 August 2004 on local freedoms and responsibilities and the publication of the implementing decrees, this guide covers exhaustively all matters concerning the organisation of each of the 36 874
. The functioning of local democracy-the election of the mayor, the deputies and their role-and the rules applicable to the territorial civil service. The principles for the preparation and presentation of the municipal budget are presented by defining the different tax resources.
Local competences in the organisation of local public services are the subject of developments Themes, as well as the principles applicable to the public domain, public inquiries, the environment and spatial planning.
InterCommunality-pooling of municipalities within public cooperation institutions Inter-communal (EPCI) - is thus approached from the point of view of operation, the field of competence, highlighting current developments.
The method of control of the proceedings of the municipalities and the possibility of transmitting them to the representative of The state is also developed.
Written by specialists, with a practical approach to the subjects dealt with, presented in an attractive way, it is addressed to citizens as well as to practitioners by providing many references
2006, the French Documentation, 424 p. -28. -ISBN: 2-11-006226-6. -Ref: : 9 782110 062260.


    Information Systems Security
    One Major issue for France
    Pierre Lasbordes

    In a global environment, where cooperation and competition, risks and opportunities, uncertainties and threats interact, information has become a vital resource
    Richness, employment, protection of economic or cultural heritage, security of goods and people, availability of the multiple infrastructure networks that condition our daily lives, these are the stakes of the Security of information systems.
    The parliamentary mission presents a state of the French realities that oscillate between pragmatism and virtual protection, and then presents six major recommendations to protect the heritage Economic, cultural and scientific of the nation.
    2006, la Documentation française, collection " Official reports ", 200 p. -12 EUR. -ISBN: 2-11-006049-2. Ref: : 9 782110 060495.

    From University to Employment

    Report to the Prime Minister, Minister of Employment, Social Cohesion and Housing, Minister of National Education, Education Top and search

    Patrick Hetzel

    The employment crisis that has been raging for several decades has led universities to seek a better match between the proposed training and Career opportunities for students. Despite this policy, the failure rates in some sectors remain too high and constitute a dramatic loss of values. The proposals of the National University-Employment Committee are intended to drastically reduce these rates of failure by redefining the pre-and post-bac orientation procedures and improving their professional
    . French documentation, collection " Official Reports ", 118 p. -10 EUR. -ISBN: 2-11-006379-3. -Ref: : 9 782110 063793.

    The Different Faces of Public Service Modernization
    Sociological Survey on the Values of
    Public Service Employees
    Department of the Public Service

    Under the direction of Danièle Linhart, CNRS research director, Isabelle Bertaux-Wiale, Michèle Descolonges, Nicolas Divert (et al.)
    " To bring the subjective register into the universe of the standard. " At a time when the public service is reorganizing itself in depth (new budgetary rules, the transfer of activities to local authorities, renewal of the generations ...), it seemed appropriate to listen to what these changes could bring to the public service.
    The research presented here in the context of exploratory work is intended to better identify the values whose agents are collectively or individually responsible within the jurisdictions In the North. It offers analyses and issues that help to understand their professional approach as well as their expectations or concerns about reforms in the public service. Without wishing to apply it to all public service employees, this is still a groundbreaking survey, a snapshot of reality, which has value of testimony.
    2006, la Documentation française, collection " Outlook ", 224 pp. -12 EUR. -ISBN: 2-11-006079-4. -Ref: : 9 782110 060792.

    Objective 50 % of a generation
    graduate from higher education
    Ministry of Youth, Education and Research
    Top Education-Economics-Employment Committee

    The objective of 50 % of the graduates of the superior has been retained under the school law. Is it in line with the expectations and objectives of society in general and the economic environment in particular?
    Access to the baccalaureate and higher education grew strongly in the eighties and then stabilized Around 1995. This strong progression has not been without perverse effects: imbalance between the channels, inflation of training offering few professional opportunities, individual and collective concern ...
    There are currently 42 graduates of the upper part of the 100 young. Forward-looking work and international comparisons confirm the strategic interest of the objective, consistent with what is observed in the major OECD countries and in line with the EU's ambitious Lisbon prospects And reaffirmed in 2005.
    Based on these analyses, the High Committee has structured its recommendations on three main areas: boosting the momentum for access to the ferry and improving the link between secondary and higher education, decreasing Significantly the number of exits without a diploma in higher education, improve the conditions for the integration of young graduates in the world of work.
    2006, la Documentation française, 256 p. Statistics. -28 EUR. -ISBN: 2-11-006293-2. -Ref: : 9 782110 062932.


      A new collection appears at the French Documentation in co-edition with The publisher Odile Jacob.

      Public Debate

      There is public debate whenever a topic about all citizens arises in political life, with its social, legal, economic or social implications
      Debating by being informed: each of the works in this collection makes available to the reader the information needed to participate concretely in the debate;
      Deflating on the issues: each work poses the Issues and addresses issues through a rigorous choice of issues;
      Debate with arguments: each book presents, analyses, explains the arguments, proposals and assumptions, or even the contradictions of the debate Public on a particular topic


    Status And
    Xavier Ternisien
    Odile Jacob
    La Documentation française

    La " Secularism in French " Is an exception, rarely understood outside Canada. It is significant that the word has no equivalent in another language. In France, it is enough to pronounce it in order to bring together a broad consensus. And yet there are many differences in its interpretation. Between the supporters of an intransigent secularism, who sometimes flirt with anticlericalism, or even hostility to any form of religion, and defenders of a " "Open secularism", the range is broad in opinions and debates. After a contextual reminder by the author of the terms of the debate and its evolution, the approximately 140 questions presented in this book echo these questions.
    Indeed, if today secularism is still the subject of a broad consensus, Having managed to cohabit a great diversity of religions and opinions, a possible revision of the 1905 law will continue to fuel this debate.
    The author: Xavier Ternisien is a journalist in the World and has published La France des mosques And Les Frères Muslims.
    2006, la Documentation française-Odile Jacob, collection " Public debate ", 162 p. -10 EUR. -ISBN: 978-2-7381-1857-8. -Ref: : 9 782738 118578.

    Laetitia Van Eeckhout
    Odile Jacob
    La Documentation française

    Immigration is constitutive of French society, and the crisis of the suburbs, Questioning the " French model of integration ", acts as an injunction to the public authorities as well as civil society. Obviously, there is no immigration without integration. When those who are still called " Visible minorities " Are speaking, making their voices heard, we are alarmed at the rise of communitarianism. But do these people-often already French-do not want to be recognised in the public space? Today is not more of them." Include " Fully in our society rather than the " Integrate " ?
    Many regard immigration as an asset for France, for Europe, provided it is " Controlled ", but Little agree on the definition of this term.
    What is a multi-ethnic or multicultural society?
    What is selected immigration?
    Is there a link between immigration and international trafficking?
    How is it perceived? The practice of anonymous CV by recruiters?
    What are the measures of positive discrimination in education?
    The strength of this compendium is to present in some 130 questions all the richness of the debate, to clarify its needs History, evolution and issues in the context of globalization.
    The author: Laetitia Van Eeckhout is a journalist in the World. After taking an interest in economic and social issues, then the reform of the state and the institutions, it follows the questions of immigration and integration within the sequence " Society "
    2006, the French Documentation - Odile Jacob, collection " Public debate ", 192 p. -10 EUR. -ISBN: 978-2-7381-1856-1. -Ref: : 9 782738 118561.

    The French Social Model
    Marie Fontanel, Nicolas Grivel, Valérie Saintoyant
    Odile Jacob
    La Documentation française

    The French social model, mainly built During " Thirty glorious, has it become obsolete as a result of the economic breakdown that has been observed since the 1970s, European unification and economic and financial globalization? Doubts have been expressed about the financial viability of a social system accused of weighing on the public finances on the vitality of economic growth.
    To the same extent, these limits condemn the French social model Or oblige them to reform it, to modernise it, to reinvent it?
    After a reminder of the main founding guidelines of the French social model, this compendium responds in some 130 questions to the questions usually raised on this subject and which Affect all aspects of everyday life:
    Is it necessary to increase taxes to continue to finance the European social model?
    How much does a hospital day really cost?
    What happens to the unemployed at the end of the law?
    Do we work too much or not enough in France?
    Did the transition to the thirty-five hours improve the lives of employees?
    Do companies pay too much?
    This book does not claim to have 130 answers the full turn of the French social model, but it seeks to put the terms of the debate beyond preconceived ideas and partisan approaches. By giving each of the data that can support its arguments, it is intended to contribute to the public debate on complex subjects, so it is true that a social model corresponds to the choice of a model of society.
    The authors:
    Marie Fontanel, Nicolas Grivel, Valérie Saintoyant are General Inspectors of Social Affairs (IGAS).
    2006, la Documentation française-Odile Jacob, collection " Public debate ". -192 p. -10. -ISBN: 978-2-7381-1855-4. -Ref: : 9 782738 118554

Finance of communes
of less than 10 000 inhabitants 2004 (with CD)
Department of Interior and spatial planning
Local Community Branch

This study was based on the 2004 management accounts. The reader will find:
An overall analysis of the financial situation of municipalities with less than 10 000 inhabitants in 2004;
A series of ratios calculated for most euro per capita or percentage, presented by size of commune, By region and by group membership. In addition, the ratios are classified by major headings (service rendered, effort of equipment ...)
Des analyses by category of communes according to types defined by a geographical situation (mountain, coastline, urban zoning) or by a dominant activity (tourism) accessible on the CD-ROM.
Like all publications in the collection " Statistics and local finance ", the aim of this document is to provide to everyone, elected local, territorial official or anyone interested in the subject, a number each year more Important financial information.
2006, Ministry of Interior and Spatial Planning, Collection " Statistics and Local Finance, " 32 p. -12.96. -ISBN: 9782-11-096216-X. -Ref: : 9 782110 962164.

Security Papers
National Institute of Security Studies
Environment, Climate Change and Security
Scientific Issues and Operational Issues

Here are some Recent contributions of international experts on security issues, examining different aspects of the relationship between environmental stress and security, especially from the perspective of vulnerability to induced or amplified risks By climate change: food security, water safety in the context of transboundary basins, vulnerability of small island territories in the context of global change, damage-induced migration issues Climate, climate security issues and energy security on the political agenda.
"Les Cahiers de la sécurité", No. 63, 4th quarter 2006, 256 p. -18. -Ref: 3 303334 700637.

French Documentation Studies
La Documentation française
Conseil constitutionnel
Under the direction of Michel Verpeaux and Maryvonne Bonnard
Foreword by Pierre Mazeaud, President Constitutional Council

The Constitution of 1958 established for the first time in France a genuine constitutionality check by creating the Constitutional Council. Originally subjected to strong criticism, it has gained legitimacy over the years, expanding the scope of its decisions to the definition of civil liberties and fundamental rights.
This book, written by renowned constitutional experts, Presents the institution (status, appointment, operation ...) And its role as a judge of the election as a protector of rights and freedoms. It puts the Constitutional Council back in its judicial environment, comparing it with the other French courts, as well as with the equivalent foreign institutions. Finally, he questions foreseeable or desirable evolutions.
Origins: before 1958, the impossible constitutionality control (Didier Maus):
From the Revolution to the Third Republic;
The 4th Republic.
The Institution (André Roux):
Is the Constitutional Council a jurisdiction?
Composition, organization, functioning.
The Constitutional Trial (Pascal Jan):
Referral to the judge;
The appeal hearing;
Les Relations with the Government and the garnet scheme.
The guarantee of rights and freedoms (Bertrand Mathieu and Michel Verpeaux):
Reference standards;
Rights and freedoms guaranteed.
Electoral judge (Richard Ghevontian):
Control of national political elections;
Control of referendums;
Control of preparatory acts for elections and referendums;
Control of campaign finance.
The Council Constitutional and its judicial environment (Olivier Dord):
Conseil constitutionnel et jurisdictions françaises;
Constitutional Council and Foreign Constitutional Courts;
Constitutional Council and Courts
Conclusion: l' avenir du Conseil constitutionnel (Pierre Avril):
Une institution suited à ses functions;
Les défis.
Appendices (Maryvonne Bonnard).
"Les Etudes de la Documentation française", point 5246, 168 p. -14. -Ref: 3 303331 952466.

Administrative and Legal Information
Territorial Public Service
Interdepartmental Centre for the Management of Small Crown
in the Ile-de-France region

Unemployment compensation for territorial public officials:
Documentary news.
Parliamentary documents;
Case law;
Press and books;
Integral texts:
Written questions.
"Administrative and Legal Information" N ° 11, November 2006, 52 pp. -16.50 EUR. -Ref: : 3 303330 610725.

Economic problems
Select French and foreign items
French documentation

International migration: what effects on the economy?
Migration International: from the nineteenth century to 2030 (Jeffrey G. Williamson. -Finance and Development).
Does the brain drain hamper European growth? (Frédéric Docquier and Abdeslam Marfouk. -Economic Regards).
China's strategies to get the brains back (David Zweig-International Labour Review).
The role of migrant remittances in development (OECD-Migration Outlook
International migration from 2000 to 2005 (map);
Immigration-doped Spanish growth;
Illegal immigration;
The crisis in the U.S. immigration system.

Learn more ...

Underground Economy:
Why repress the offer does not weaken drug trafficking (Sylvaine Poret-Economic Review).
Services to the person in France: one sector Unknown but bearer (Estelle Honthaas-Banking Horizons).
Research and Development:
Public Research Reform in Japan: An Ongoing Renovation (Hiroatsu Nohara-Managing and Understanding).
"Economic Issues", No. 2914, Wednesday, January 3, 2007, 48 pp. -4.60 EUR. -Ref: : 3 303332 029143.

Industrial Property-Documentary Bulletin
National Institute of Industrial Property
Part One

Official Texts:
Texts in extenso.
Written questions, National Assembly.
Written question ... On the development of false product brands " Pseudo French " In many foreign countries and response.
Written question ... On the adoption by the Council of Agriculture of two regulations designed to simplify the provisions on the registration of protected designations of origin (PDO), protected geographical indications (PGI) and specialities Traditional warranties (STG), and response.
Foreign Legislation.
Treaty Notifications.

Part Two

Journal doctrine.

Part Three

Invention patents. -Trademarks. -Drawings and models. -Unfair competition.

Part Four

News and information:
Foreign Chronicle. -Echos. -PIBD-Services.
" PIBD. -Industrial Property, Documentary Bulletin, No. 843, January 1, 2007, 62 p. -8.30 EUR. -Ref: : 3 303332 308439.

Financial Markets Authority Monthly Review
Markets Authority

Financial Markets Authority Positions:
Amendment to Article 411-11 of the Financial Markets Authority General Regulation of the Autorité des marchés financiers relating to the categories of shares of FCP and SICAV shares: the possibility of covering the exchange rate risk;
The Autorité des marchés financiers publishes its response to the work of the expert groups From the European Commission on asset management.
Studies and analyses:
Asset management for third parties in 2005.
Financial Markets Authority Texts:
Order of 3 November 2006 approving a Amendment of the General Regulation of the Autorité des marchés financiers;
Instruction No. 2006-09 of 7 November 2006 concerning the examination for the assignment of professional cards of conformity and internal control and of Responsible for compliance for investment services.
News Releases:
The Autorité des marchés financiers defers the implementation of the provisions of Instruction No. 2005-01 relating to the content of the periodical information document UCITS (insert);
Rapprochement NYSE/EURONEXT: meeting of EURONEXT regulators in Amsterdam;
Transposition of the Directive Transparency: opening of the filing procedure with the AMF of the registration dossiers on the list of Professional broadcasters of regulated information;
The Autorité des marchés financiers alters the procedure for the notification of applications for marketing authorisation in France of coordinated European UCITS;
The Market Authority Financial publishes in its database " UCITS and savings products " The approval grid specifying the activities carried out by the management companies;
The Autorité des marchés financiers consults on the results of the work of the group of Place: " Internal control device: frame of reference " ;
Decision of the Sanctions Committee of the Autorité des marchés financiers with respect to Fortis Bank;
Decision of the Sanctions Committee of the Market Authority Aureus Capital.
Decisions of the Sanctions Commission:
Decision of the Sanctions Committee of 15 September with respect to the Partouche and Fortis Bank Group companies and Messrs. André Der Krikorian and Arnaud Bricout;
Decision of the Sanctions Committee of 14 September 2006 in respect of MM. Jean-René Fourtou and Jean-Bernard Lévy;
Decision of the Sanctions Committee of 7 September 2006 with regard to Aureus Capital;
Decision of the Sanctions Committee of 6 April 2006 in respect of the company Cofidur and M. Christian Durat.
Judgment of the Council of 27 October 2006 (Mr. Eric Parent);
Judgment of the Conseil d' Etat of 18 October 2006 (Mr. Dominique Lanteri-Minet).
"Monthly review of the Autorité des marchés financiers" No. 30, November 2006, 154 pp. -13.50. -Ref: : 3 303333 600303.

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