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Notice To Importers Of Certain Processed Agricultural Products Originating In Switzerland And Liechtenstein

Original Language Title: Notice to importers of certain processed agricultural products originating in Switzerland and Liechtenstein

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JORF No. 9 of 11 January 2002 Page 696
Text No. 49

Notice to importers of certain processed agricultural products originating in Switzerland and Liechtenstein

NOR: ECOD0260010V ELI: Not available

The attention of importers is called on the publication in the Official Journal of European Communities No L 345 of 29 December 2001 of Commission Regulation (EC) No 2603/2001 of 28 December 2001.
This Regulation extended from 1 January 2002 to 31 March 2002 Community tariff quotas at zero duty Annexed to certain processed agricultural products originating in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
The benefit of the preferential scheme is dependent on the production of a supporting document of origin as provided for in the Protocols Defining the concept of " Originating products " In agreements between the Community and those countries (EUR 1 certificate or ' Invoice origin declaration ").
The management of these quotas will be managed by the Commission of the Communities
This regulation is applicable from 1 January 2002.

Item Appendix


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No. 9, 11/01/2002, page 696 to 697


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