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Decree Of 31 December 2002 Relating To An Administrative Situation (General Inspection Of The Administration)

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 31 décembre 2002 relatif à une situation administrative (inspection générale de l'administration)

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JORF No. 9 of 11 January 2003 Page 661
Text No. 48

Administrative situation order of 31 December 2002 (general inspection of administration)

NOR: INTI0200553A ELI: Not available

By order of the Prime Minister and the Minister of the Interior, Security On 31 December 2002, Ms Michelier (Gaëlle), Deputy Inspector of Administration, made available to the European Commission to serve with the European Commission Delegation in Moscow (Russia), as a Seconded National Expert, shall carry out its mobility for a period of two years from 7 October 2002.

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