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Decree Of January 9, 2004 For Delegation Of Signature

Original Language Title: Décret du 9 janvier 2004 portant délégation de signature

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JORF No. 9 of 11 January 2004 Page 922
Text No. 12

Signing delegation order of January 9, 2004

NOR: SANG0325143D ELI:

The Prime Minister,
On the report of the Minister of Health, Family and People with Disabilities,
In light of Order No. 47-233 dated January 23, 1947 as amended authorizing The ministers to delegate, by order, their signature;
In view of Decree No. 91-1216 of 3 December 1991 establishing the High Committee on Public Health;
Having regard to Decree No. 2000-685 of 21 July 2000 on the organization of the administration Ministry of Employment and Solidarity and the powers of some of its services;
Given the decree of 17 June 2002 appointing the Prime Minister;
In view of the decree of 17 June 2002 on the composition of the Government ;
In light of Decree No. 2002-986 of 12 July 2002 on the powers of the Minister of Health, the Family and Persons with Disabilities;
In view of the Decree of 21 August 2003 appointing the Director General of Health;
In view of the Decree of the 29 August 2003 with delegation of signature;
In view of the Order of 21 July 2000 on the organisation of the Directorate-General for Health in Services and sub-directorates;
In view of the decree of 21 July 2000 on the organisation of management General office health;
In light of the August 25, 2003, modified signing delegation order,

Article 1

Articles 1 to 6 and Article 10 of the Decree of 29 August 2003 read as follows:
" Art. 1. -In the event of the simultaneous absence or incapacity of Mr. William Dab, Director General of Health, Mr. Eyssartier and Ms. Khodoss, delegation shall be given to Mr. Jean-Luc Grangeon, General Medical Officer of Public Health, directly under the authority of Ms. Khodoss, to sign, within the limits of the responsibilities of the Health Policy Branch and the strategies and on behalf of the Minister of Health, the family and persons with disabilities, all acts, orders, decisions or conventions, Excluding Orders in Council.

" Art. 2. - In the event of the simultaneous absence or incapacity of Mr. Dab, Mr. Eyssartier and Mr. Waisbord, delegation is given to Ms. Dominique Huon de Penanster, General Medical Officer of Public Health, directly under the authority of Mr. Waisbord, to the effect of Sign, within the limits of the duties of the sub-directorate of the quality of the health system and on behalf of the Minister of Health, the family and persons with disabilities, all acts, orders, decisions or conventions, other than decrees.
" Art. 3. - In the event of the simultaneous absence or incapacity of Mr. Dab, Mr. Eyssartier and Ms. Sainte Marie, delegation is given to Ms. Danielle Golinelli, a contracting officer, directly under the authority of Ms. Sainte Marie, to sign, in the Limits the powers of the Health Products Policy Branch and on behalf of the Minister of Health, Family and Disabled Persons, all acts, orders, decisions or conventions, excluding Orders in Council.
" Art. 4. - In the event of the simultaneous absence or incapacity of Mr. Dab, Mr. Eyssartier and Mr. Détour, delegation shall be given to Ms. Françoise Houel, a civil administrator, directly under the authority of Mr. Détour, to sign, within the limits of Duties of the sub-directorate for the coordination of services and legal affairs and on behalf of the Minister for Health, Family and Disabled Persons, all acts, orders, decisions or conventions, excluding Orders in Council.
" Art. 5. - In the event of the simultaneous absence or incapacity of Mr. Dab, Mr. Eyssartier, Mr. Détour and Ms. Houel, delegation is given to Ms. Isabelle Bouvier, Head of the Office of Human Resources and General Affairs, directly under the authority of By Mr Détour, to sign, within the limits of his powers and on behalf of the Minister of Health, the family and persons with disabilities, all acts, orders, decisions or conventions, other than
. Art. 6. - In the event of the simultaneous absence or incapacity of Mr. Dab, Mr. Coquin and Ms. Le Quellec-Nathan, delegation is given to Ms. Anne de La Foye, Administrative Advisor, and to Mr. Jean Dufriche, General Medical Officer of Public Health, Directly placed Under the authority of Mrs Le Quellec-Nathan, to sign, within the limits of the powers of the sub-directorate of pathologies and health and on behalf of the Minister of Health, the family and persons with disabilities, all acts, orders, Decisions or conventions, excluding Orders in Council. "
" Art. 10. - In the event of the simultaneous absence or incapacity of Mr. Dab, Secretary-General of the High Committee on Public Health, and of Mr. Eyssartier, delegation is given to Ms. Geneviève Guérin, contracting officer, Assistant to the Secretary-General, to sign, Within the limits of the powers of the Secretary-General and on behalf of the Minister of Health, the family and persons with disabilities, all acts, orders, decisions or conventions, other than decrees. "

Article 2

The Minister of Health, Family and Disability is responsible for the execution of this Order, which will be Published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Done at Paris, January 9, 2004.

Jean-Pierre Raffarin

By the Prime Minister:

The Minister of Health, of

family and people with disabilities,

Jean-François Mattei

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