Key Benefits:
The job of subdirector of demography, population movements, and International issues in the direction of population and migration at the headquarters of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Labour and Solidarity is likely to be vacant.
Population and Migration Directorate Is crucial to ensure the demographic balance of our country, to participate in the development of foreign legislation, to be attentive to the integration of foreign populations and to manage requests Acquisition of French nationality.
The job holder, a sub-director of demography, population movements and international issues, is more specifically responsible for facilitating the following policies:
-la The preparation and application of legislation and regulations concerning the conditions of entry, residence and work of permanent, temporary and seasonal aliens and members of their families, as well as the treatment of Disputes relating to work authorisations and family reunification;
-participation in the work on developments in the French population and in the development and measurement of the impact of family policy, in particular in Providing a co-supervision of the National Institute for Population Studies and the secretariat of the High Council of Population and Family;
-the coordination of management relations with international institutions and those of the European Community in the fields of reception, integration, asylum and the fight against discrimination and monitoring in these areas of management responsibility, and in particular the implementation of agreements
All additional information can be obtained in the direction of population and migration, with Mr. Jean Gaeremynck, Director of Population and Migration (Telephone: 01-40-56-40-88), Ms. Labroue, Deputy Director of Demography, Population Movements and International Issues (Telephone: 01-40-56-52-00).
In accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 55-1226 of 19 September 1955 on the conditions of Appointment and promotion in the posts of Head of Service, Deputy Director and Deputy Director of the Central Authorities of the State, applications, accompanied by a curriculum vitae, must be transmitted, through the hierarchical route, Within 30 days of the publication of this notice in the Official Journal, the services of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Public Service, the reform of the State and regional planning, the general direction of Administration and public service, 32 rue de Babylon, 75700 Paris, as well as the Ministry of Social Affairs, Labour and Solidarity, Directorate of General Administration, Personnel and Budget, Human Resources Service (1st Office of Personnel of Central Administration [SRH 1A]), 11, place des Cinq-Martyrs-du-Lycée-Buffon, 75696 Paris Cedex 14.