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Notice Of Competition For Recruitment To The Title Of 2004 Of Controllers Of Taxes Allocated To The Treatment Of Information As A Programmer

Original Language Title: Avis de concours pour le recrutement au titre de l'année 2004 de contrôleurs des impôts affectés au traitement de l'information en qualité de programmeur

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JORF No. 9 of 11 January 2004 Page 943
Text No. 52

Notice of Competition for Recruitment under the 2004 Tax Controllers Assigned to the Processing of Information as a Programmer

NOR: ECOP0301019V ELI: Not available

Competitions are organized for the year 2004 by the Directorate-General for Tax for the recruitment of tax controllers assigned to the processing of information as a programmer.

I. -Admission requirements

In addition to the general requirements For access to public jobs in the state (French nationality, morality, physical fitness ...), candidates for the job of a tax controller must meet the following special conditions:
a) External competition:
Be under forty-five years of age as of January 1, 2004.
This age limit is remote:
-for all candidates, one year per child or per person with a disability or a high child for nine years up to its sixteenth year;
-for candidates who have fulfilled their obligations under the national service, of a time equal to the time actually spent in the active national service;
-under the conditions laid down in the laws and regulations in favour of Certain categories of candidates (former members of the military, persons who no longer have the status of disabled worker, former top-level sports...).
This age limit is not effective against mothers of three or more children Persons under the obligation to work (widowed widows, divorced and unremarried women, women who are separated from the courts, women and single men with at least one dependent child), persons recognised as disabled workers by the COTOREP and declared fit for the position of applicants and top-level sportsmen.
To be held:
-either from a baccalaureate or diploma or from a diploma accepted as equivalent by the Order of 27 January 1998;
-or a diploma issued In one of the Member States of the European Union other than France and whose assimilation with the baccalaureate has been recognised by the committee provided for by the decree of 30 August 1994.
Candidates who do not have one of the required diplomas or qualifications But which can justify equivalent training may file a special claim for exemption from a commission which rules on their dossier on their ability to compete.
The condition of graduation is not binding on the mothers of Family of three and more children as well as top-level athletes.
(b) Normal internal competition:
Officials or public officials of the Ministry of Economy and Finance on January 1, 2003, three years at least six months at least Effective public service, pursuant to Article 7 (2) of Decree No. 95-379 of 10 April 1995.
In this competition, the actual time taken in respect of the active national service shall, if necessary, be deducted from the years of actual service The
status of the tax inspectors providing, for the recipients of the normal internal competition, a period of pre-appointment education and an obligation to serve the State for a minimum period of time Five years, a specific age limit remains against the candidates in this competition, in accordance with Article 2 of Decree No 90-709 of 1 August 1990. Only officers who may have met the service obligation referred to above will be eligible to participate in this selection at the date of the immediate introduction of the pension.

II. -Number of positions offered

The total number of positions offered in these competitions, the volume of positions available to recipients of the disability military pension code and the victims of war, and the proportion of In accordance with the provisions of Decree No. 95-979 of 25 August 1995 on certain procedures for the recruitment of disabled workers into the public service of the State will be the subject of a Which will be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

III. -Event Dates

10, 11 and 12 March 2004.

IV. -Deadline for withdrawal of registration files

January 27, 2004.

V. -Deadline for submission of registration files

February 3, 2004.

VI. -Organisation and programme of tests

The nature and programme of the tests for these competitions are set in accordance with the provisions of the decree of 30 November 1982 and of the orders of 20 September 1993 and 8 August 1997 (OJ 1982 August 22, 1997).

VII. -Services to which candidates must apply

For all information, candidates must contact the tax services directorate of their department and, in Paris, the competition cell for the region Ile-de-France installed at 9, Place Saint-Sulpice, 75292 Paris Cedex 06 (telephone: 01-40-46-45-44), or on the internet:, heading " Practical information ", pull-down menu" Thematic access: job competitions ", or on the intranet Ministerial (Alizé, life de l' agent, métieres-competitions: les métiers du minefi).

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