Key Benefits:
The next run of the game called Super Loto, made pursuant to the regulation The Loto and Super Loto made on 15 June 2000, published in the Official Journal of 2 July 2000, and amended on 14 September 2000, 25 June 2001, 12 July 2002, 7 October 2002, 7 November 2002 and 27 March 2003 with the publication of Amendments to the Official Journal, will take place on Friday, January 23, 2004.
The games will begin on Thursday, January 15, 2004 and will end on Friday, January 23, 2004, at the closing time of the Super Loto games, in principle at the Approximately 20 hours (metropolitan time).
It will be awarded to all winners of this draw with a minimum total gain of 20 million euros (20 000 000 EUR) net of the legal levy.
Pursuant to Article 9 of the Regulation, the additions that would be necessary for this purpose will be taken from the carry-forward and reserve fund in increments of ten thousand euros (EUR 10 000).
On the occasion of this Super Loto draw, it will be organised a Super Loto Call Set, Pursuant to the provisions of the regulation of this game dated 13 November 2002 and amended on 4 March 2003 and 25 April 2003, 10 July 2003 and 31 July 2003, with publication in the Official Journal of 17 November 2002, of 12 March 2003, of 8 May 2003, 25 July 2003 and 6 August 2003.