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Order Of January 4, 2005, Authorizing In Respect Of The 2005 Year Of Competition For The Recruitment Of Inspectors Of Decentralized Branch Services Taxes Allocated To The Treatment Of Information As An Analyst

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 4 janvier 2005 autorisant au titre de l'année 2005 l'ouverture de concours pour le recrutement d'inspecteurs des services déconcentrés de la direction générale des impôts affectés au traitement de l'information en qualité d'analyste

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JORF No. 9 of 12 January 2005 Page 511
Text No. 32

Order of 4 January 2005 authorising for the year 2005 the opening of competitions for the recruitment of decentralised services inspectors from the Directorate-General for the processing of Information as an analyst

NOR: ECOP0400998A ELI:

By order of the Minister of Economy, Finance, and The industry, the Minister of the Public Service and the reform of the State and the Minister responsible for the budget and budgetary reform, Government spokesperson, as of 4 January 2005, is authorised for the year 2005 the opening of the External and internal competition for the recruitment of dedicated service inspectors from the General Directorate of Taxes assigned to the processing of information as an analyst.
The total number of positions offered in competitions will be the subject of A later order to be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
The deadline for the withdrawal of registration dossiers is 7 February 2005.
The deadline for the submission of registration dossiers is 15 February. 2005.
The written tests for these two competitions will be held on 29, 30 and 31 March 2005.
Note. -Candidates must apply to the tax services branch of their departments and in Paris to the competition cell for the Ile-de-France region, 9, Place Saint-Sulpice, 75292 Paris Cedex 06 (telephone: 01-40-46-45-44), or on the Internet: Http://, topic " Practical information ", pull-down menu" Thematic access: job competition ", or on the departmental intranet (Alizé, training/competition, competition, enrollments).

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