Key Benefits:
Prime Minister,
On the report of the Minister of Employment, Social Cohesion and Housing and the Minister of Employment, Labour and Employment Young people,
Given the Labour Code, in particular Articles L. 323-3, L. 323-11-1, L. 900-1 and L. 900-2;
In view of the Code of Social Action and Families, in particular Article L. 114;
In view of the opinion of the National Training Council Lifelong professional development as of September 28, 2005;
Given the opinion of the National Council on Higher Education and Research dated November 21, 2005;
In the opinion of the National Advisory Council for Persons with Disabilities As of November 23, 2005,
It is inserted in sub-section 2 of Section II of Chapter III of Title II of Book III of the Labour Code (Part Three: Orders), an article D. 323-10-1 reads as follows:
" Art. D. 323-10-1. -The training bodies referred to in the second subparagraph of Article L. 323-11-1 and the actors referred to in the fourth subparagraph of Article L. 900-1 shall implement, in respect of continuing vocational training provided for in Article L. 900-2, a Part-time or discontinuous reception, a suitable period of training and appropriate arrangements for validation of vocational training for persons with disabilities referred to in Article L. 323-3 of this Code and Article L. 114 of the Code of Social action and families.
" Adaptations may be individual or collective for a group of people with similar needs. They also cover teaching methods and materials and can use information and communication technologies.
" They shall be implemented on the basis of information provided by the disabled person by the Public employment service and the specialised investment organisations accompanying it in its access to employment path, as well as by the Committee on Rights and Autonomy and by the bodies involved in the preparation of its project Social and professional integration.
" The adaptation of the validation of vocational training relates to the development of the general arrangements for assessing the knowledge and skills acquired during the course of training
Such arrangements shall be implemented by the bodies providing vocational training and the institutions issuing diplomas, professional qualifications or certificates of professional qualification, in particular by the development of their own Regulation. "
Minister of State, Minister of Interior and Spatial Planning, Minister for Defence, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister for Employment, Social Cohesion and Housing, Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, Minister of National Education, Higher Education and Research, Minister of Justice, Minister of Justice, Minister of Transport, Equipment, Tourism and Minister of Health and Solidarity, the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Minister of Public Service, the Minister of Culture and Communication, the Minister of Ecology and Sustainable Development, the Minister of The Minister for Small and Medium Enterprises, Commerce, Handicrafts and Professions, the Minister for Youth, Sports and Associative Life, the Minister for Employment, Labour and Integration Youth work, the Minister of Higher Education and Research, the Minister of Social Security, Seniors, Persons with Disabilities and the Family, and the Minister Delegate to Veterans Responsible for the execution of this Decree, which shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, January 9, 2006.
Dominique de Villepin
By the Prime Minister:
The Minister of Employment,
de la Cohesion sociale et du logement,
Jean-Louis Borloo
The Minister of State,
Minister of the Interior
and Spatial Planning,
Nicolas Sarkozy
The Minister of Defence,
Michèle Alliot-Marie
Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Philippe Douste-Blazy
Minister of Economy,
Finance and Industry,
Thierry Breton
The Minister of Education National,
for higher education
and search,
Gilles de Robien
Seals, Minister of Justice,
Pascal Clément
The Minister of Transport, Equipment,
du Tourism and the sea,
Dominique Perben
Minister of Health and Solidarity,
Xavier Bertrand
Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries,
Dominique Bussereau
The Minister of the Environment Public,
Christian Jacob
Minister of Culture
and Communication,
Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres
Minister of Ecology
and Sustainable Development,
Nelly Olin
Le Minister for Overseas Affairs,
François Baroin
The Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises,
and Liberal Professions,
Renaud Dutreil
The Minister of Youth, Sports
and associative life,
Jean-François Lamour
The Minister delegated to employment, to work
and to integrate young people,
Gérard Larcher
Associate Minister
higher education and search,
François Goulard
The minister responsible for social security,
for the elderly,
for disabled people
and the family,
Philippe Bas
delegate to veterans,
Hamlaoui Mékachera