Key Benefits:
The job of the Deputy Director of Management and Information Systems is Liable to be vacant at the head office of the Ministry of Health and Solidarity in the direction of social security.
The management and information systems sub-directorate ensures the budgetary and accounting pilotage of the The general system of social security and the social system of the self-employed, and exercises supervision over the bodies of these schemes.
It ensures the quality of the service rendered by social security organisations, the performance of their management and Contributes to the effectiveness of anti-fraud policies in the field of social security.
It conducts the policy of modernisation and performance of the public social security service and ensures its evaluation. It shall coordinate the preparation and monitoring of the objectives and management agreements concluded between the State and the social security bodies.
It shall define the general rules for the organisation and operation of the bodies and shall ensure that the
It promotes and coordinates policies on the use and development of information systems and new technologies in the field of social protection, in Liaison with the management of general administration, staff and budget.
It exercises supervision over the management schemes of the information systems of the organisations and is responsible for the regulation of general and technical disputes. Social security.
It ensures, for the whole of the social security directorate, coordination with the decentralised services.
The sub-directorate is organised in 4 offices:
-bureau 4 A, office of accounting management and The budget of the social security agencies;
-office 4 B, office of the administrative organization and human resources;
-office 4 C, information systems office;
-office 4 D, office of performance management of the Public service of social security.
This employment would be suitable for a civil administrator, confirmed or equivalent, having knowledge of the organisation and functioning of social security. The candidate will be required to have a team management capability, a strong relationship and initiative.
Any additional information may be obtained from Mr. Dominique Libault, Director of the Social Security (Telephone: 01-40-56-70-34, e-mail:, and Mr. Stéphane Seiller, Head of Service (Telephone: 01-40-56-70-59, e-mail: sté
In accordance with the provisions of Order No. 55-1226 of 19 September 1955, as amended concerning the conditions for appointment and promotion in the posts of Head of Service, Deputy Director and Deputy Director of the Central Authorities of the State, applications, accompanied by a Resumes, must be transmitted, by the hierarchical means, within 30 days from the date of publication of this notice in the Official Journal, to the services of the Prime Minister (General Secretariat of the Government), to the Ministry of Public Service, Directorate-General for Administration and Public Service, 32 rue de Babylon, 75700 Paris, as well as the Ministry of Health and Solidarity, Directorate of General Administration, Personnel and Budget (Human Resources Department, Central Administration Personnel Office, SRH 1A), 14 Duquesne Avenue, 75350 Paris 07 SP.