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Order Of December 31, 2001, Amending The Decree Of June 14, 2001, Establishing The Imprest With The Departmental Directorates Of Tax Services On Behalf Of The Management Of Personnel, Modernization And Administration D...

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 31 décembre 2001 modifiant l'arrêté du 14 juin 2001 instituant des régies d'avances auprès des directions départementales des services fiscaux pour le compte de la direction du personnel, de la modernisation et de l'administration d...

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JORF No. 10 of 12 January 2002 Page 724
Text No. 13

Decree of 31 December 2001 amending the decree of 14 June 2001 establishing imprest accounts with the departmental directorates of tax services on behalf of the staff management, of the Modernisation and administration of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry (social action)

NOR: ECOP0100961A ELI:

Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry and Secretary of State for Budget,
In light of Decree No. 62-1587 of 29 December 1962 amending General Regulation On public accounting, in particular Article 18;
In view of Decree No. 66-850 of 15 November 1966 on the personal and financial responsibility of the administrators, as amended by Decree No. 76-70 of 15 January 1976;
In the light of Decree No. 92-681 Of 20 July 1992 on the revenue authorities and imprest accounts of public bodies, as amended by Decree No 92-1368 of 23 December 1992 and by Decree No. 97-33 of 13 January 1997;
Having regard to the decree of 20 July 1992 on the threshold of Waiver of the deposit of imprest administrators and revenue administrators;
In view of the order of 28 May 1993 relating to the rate of compensation of liability which may be allocated to the imprest administrators and the revenue administrators responsible for the Public bodies and the amount of the security imposed on these agents;
In view of the order of 4 June 1996 on the amount by operation of the expenditure on equipment and operation payable through a imprest administrator;
Vu The decree of 14 June 2001 establishing imprest accounts with the departmental directorates of tax services on behalf of the staff management, modernisation and administration of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry (social action);
In view of the decree of 3 September 2001 adjusting the value in euros of certain amounts expressed in francs,

Item 1

Article 1-1 of the Order of 14 June 2001 is amended as follows:
" 1. Expenditure on equipment and operation and expenditure on prevention medicine, within the limit of EUR 1 500 per operation:
-pharmaceutical products;
-medical supplies;
-office supplies;
- Other supplies and services.
This limit of EUR 1 500 per transaction does not apply to telephone bills. "
Article 1-2 of the Order of 14 June 2001 is amended as follows:
" 2. Emergency and exceptional relief:
-financial assistance, within the limit of EUR 1 500 per operation;
-social loans, within the limit of EUR 1 500 per operation. "
(The rest without change.)

Item 2

The provisions of this Order will come into force on January 1, 2002.

Article 3

The Director of Personnel, Modernization and Administration, the Director General of Taxes and the Director General of The public accounts shall each be responsible for the execution of this Order, which shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Done at Paris, December 31, 2001.

The Minister of Economy,

Finance and Industry,

For the Minister and delegation:

By preventing the Personnel manager,

modernization and administration:

The civil administrator,

P. Leveque

Budget Secretary,

For the Secretary of State and Delegation:

By Preventing the general manager

from public accounting:

The finance inspector,


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