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Decree No. 2001 - 1244 Of 20 December 2001 Amending Decree No. 81-111 28 January 1981 Fixing L

Original Language Title: Décret n° 2001-1244 du 20 décembre 2001 modifiant le décret n° 81-111 du 28 janvier 1981 fixant l

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JORF No. 10 of 12 January 2002 Page 749
Text No. 48

No. 2001-1244 of 20 December 2001 amending Decree No. 81-111 of 28 January 1981 laying down the system of remuneration for workers with a migrant status in the overseas departments and territories Or in certain French bases in foreign territory (corrigendum)

NOR: DEFP0102189Z ELI:

Corrigendum to the Official Journal of December 23, 2001, page 20491, 1st column, item 1, 4th line:
After: " ... Departments ... ", add:" ... "Overseas Territories or certain French bases".

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