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Decree Of 3 January 2002 Appointing The Euroméditerranée Public Development Establishing Board

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 3 janvier 2002 portant nomination au conseil d'administration de l'Etablissement public d'aménagement Euroméditerranée

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JORF No. 10 of 12 January 2002 Page 763
Text No. 79

Order of 3 January 2002 appointing to council d' administration of the Euroméditerranean arrangement

NOR: EQUU0101812A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of Equipment, Transportation and Housing as of 3 January 2002, are appointed members of the board of directors of the Euroméditerranean public development institution:
M. Peigne (Hubert), chief engineer of bridges and pavements, as owner;
M. Labia (Patrick), administrator Non-class civilian, as an alternate.

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